Has anyone ever crossed a Cayuga with a Magpie? UPDATE PIC PG 3

Thank you for the pictures! They are very nice looking ducks you have. The black duck does look like a Cayuga hen. I just love all ducks! Maybe when it's 30 below this winter and I am out shoveling snow and chipping ice just to get to my duck house to feed and water them I will think otherwise, but I doubt it!
I just put them into the incubator on Sunday night so it will be another 24 days before they hatch! November 15 is day 28. You might have to remind me to post pictures - but I will. I put 10 eggs in so we should get some of those to hatch.
I have a magpie female and a cayuga female, so no babies here but i cant wait to see what you get! My runner drake though loves both these girls so hopefully my ducklings will be as interesting as yours
I just candled the 10 eggs and all are developing, so just another 22 days and hopefully I will have pictures of the "Mayugas". MY guess is most will be solid black looking like a cayuga. If it ever stops raining here, I will take pictures of the parents.
Oh well, I do have other eggs hatching before then to help the time go by. 10-26 I have some call ducks, 10-28 a few pure cayugas, 11-4 some more calls, 11-6 a few more cayugas, on 11-7 I have 8 call duck eggs that should hatch that the mother duck is sitting on, 11-13 some more calls in the incubator, then finally on 11-15 the "Mayugas" with a few cayugas.

I am trying to get this incubating down before next spring when I am blasted with eggs! Last count I had over 50 hens. I had a couple good hatches with Anconas and some Crested but my last hatch this past week wasn't very good at all. I was trying to hatch some Calls and some Cayugas and was told to run real high humidity for the calls. Well I ran 65% for the first 23 days then went to 85% the remaining 3 days and I only hatched 1 out of 12. Only 4 out of 10 Cayugas hatched. I am sure that was just too high humidity, This next hatch will probably be about the same as these eggs were in with those and I just dropped the humidity the last few days. But the others should do fine, I hope.

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