Has anyone ever use Elector® PSP to treat mites?

In Short, this stuff is awesome. It seems to kill all stages of Northern fowl Mites. a week after application or dipping and there is NO signs of bugs. My current therory is that other wildlife are reintroducing them to my birds(Wild birds/rodents). At first sign of any activity, I dip all the birds, and things are clear for months. I am very active in looking for parasite activity.

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I'm going to add to this in case anyone else looks for answers.
I had a small lice population. My 5 laying girls. I have 9 other birds. Pullets of different ages and 2 roosters. Never having delt with creepy crawlies on my birds I freaked out. I did my research on BYC and the quickest solution was sevin dust. $5 from Walmart. I cleaned out the whole coop. Bagged everything, I normally compost, and got it out of there. I sprinkled a little dust in the nest boxes, around the inside perimeter of the coop, roosts and on all the birds to be safe. Light dusting with a diy pest pistol concentrating on vent and back. Didn't want to go to close to their heads.I recheck in 5 days...all good. Check again at 8 days...still good but retreat the 5 girls that had active lice and egg clusters by their vents.
Another week goes by and I check everyone again. The original 5 are good but now everyone else has them! Worse the little nasties layed their eggs under the chicken chins. Not everyone has eggs on them. I have to search every bird but find a few lice on each. Can't dip their head in sevin dust! So I try the virgin coconut oil method. $16 from a wholesale club. Spray everyone down with oil. Working it in to the base of the feathers at their neck, arm pits (wing pits?) and of course the vent. I now have a flock of oiled birds that look like I tried to get them ready for frying. Again 5 days and check. Greasy and now dirty birds but no lice. Wait the 8 day mark and still no lice. The eggs that are worse then cement are still on their feathers but next to plucking the birds I can't get the eggs off. I rubbed enough oil on them I think they must be smothered.
At this point I bit the bullet and bought the Elector PSP. The chicken chick swears by it. I liked that I could mix it and use it in the coop and on the birds themselves. Of course Amazon is out of stock. No physical store seems to carry it. So I turned to eBay. Got the 8oz bottle for $120 including shipping. The bottle itself says Northern fowl mites, not lice. But it also includes several types of flies and beetles. 3oz of the Elector PSP to 10 gallons of water for poultry. I plan on mixing 1 gallon which the bottle says will cover 100 birds. I didn't do the math on reducing but the chicken chick says 9ml to a gallon. I bought a big 28 oz spray bottle with ajustable spray nozzle. Was planning on treating just the coop but of course in my round of checks found lice again! I have to look for them. I'm not really finding new egg clusters but the lice are there. They must die!!!
So that's my experience so far. Treating everything today. I may include myself at this point! LOL I will update how it goes and results in the coming weeks.
I did a majority check tonight. They have wizened to me sneaking in the coop once they go to roost. Several have taken to the rafters where I can't reach them with out a ladder. Everyone I could check is lice free!
Saturday afternoon I mixed up the Elector PSP. It smells. Sort of rotten potato essence. Not a constant overwhelming stench but there was a smell that I wasn't expecting. I used a giant syringe from Tractor Supply and poked a small hole in the foil to pull 9ml. An old washed out milk jug got filled up with water and the Elector PSP. The directions say shake before mixing, while mixing, after mixing and while using. I shook the day lights out of the milk jug and then filled my spray bottle. I went in the coop and cleaned up any loose feathers and nesting material. (I use sand on the floor.) Then I sprayed everything in sight. I did a medium mist over everything. Walls, roosts, nest boxes, you name it. I put the spray bottle to more of a stream and hit all the cracks and crevices. Anywhere wood overlapped. Then I went back to the medium mist and sprayed the roosts again to be sure. Everything was wet looking but not dripping. I left it to dry till the chickens came in for the night.
Once they were all in I went over each bird one by one. I took them out back of the coop and sprayed them down. I didn't want to rewet the whole coop before it got dark and potentially cold. The back of the coop has a wooden porch area so I figured it was getting treated with the chickens. I also ended up wearing quite a bit. I was treating everyone by myself so held them like a football and sprayed fluffy butts. I worked it down to their skin but didn't soak them. I did a spray under each wing and on top of the wing. (I oddly found lice there.) I sprayed into my hand and rubbed it under their chins and around their necks. Again trying to get the feather bases. Once I got target areas I set them down and tried to fluff their body feathers and gave them a good all over body spray. Pushing their feathers up and a quick spray to get at least a little onto their backs.
Everyone was dry by morning and I don't smell rotten potato in the coop or on the chickens. They fluffed up again nicely. Not like with the VCO. They don't seem overly dirty either. Another side affect of the VCO. The Elector PSP directions say to mix only what you will use. I used about 1/2 the gallon I mixed. That treated the coop and 14 birds. I'm going to use up some more of the gallon in the next week or so. Do another coop clean out and spray down.
So far so good on no lice though!! That's the best news.
Yes I would recommend Elector PSP. It's not cheap but one and done. With an 8oz bottle mixing at 9ml to a gallon of water I figure that's almost 30 gallons. For my small flock at the rate I just used that's 60 treatments. For happy heathy creepie crawly free birds it was worth it.
I use it. I started using Elector 4 months ago. Originally 2 of my coops had birds who had mites. I noticed them on my gloves one morning after scraping droppings boards. I had put my hand on the roost to steady myself and when I went inside and took the gloves off, I noticed scores of what appeared to be tiny moving dust flakes. I wish it was dust, the mites were ridiculous. And the odd part was that I hadn't seen any on the birds. Even more odd, I pulled a bird that night from the roost and sure enough it had dozens of mites near its vent.

I used Sevin dust and dusted all birds from the two infested coops, at night while they are more calm (because one of my affected coops was my rooster pen). I was patient for 3 weeks and rechecked and redusted every 5 days but could never get every mite on every bird gone. Someone always still had some crawling around. Still, I kept on and changed all the litter, shop-vacuumed the entire coop, and then sprayed down with permethrin to eradicate the mites that I thought were managing to repeat a life cycle in the coop. This got the affected hen coop clear of mites but the roosters, 5 of the 12 in particular, still had them.

I bit the bullet and bought the Elector.

I pulled the roosters one by one and sprayed the top layer of feathers all over with a fine mist and then thoroughly saturated the birds belly, vent, tail and under wings until the feathers were wet at the base. It took a lot to get it all the way down into their fluffy feathers but I could see the mites still crawling and making little scabs and residue near the skin. I rechecked at night three days later and didn't see a single mite on any of the birds. Still, I retreated 2 weeks later just to be sure.

A month or so later I had a completely different coop come up with mites. Same thing, they were active on the birds at night but I didn't notice them even when I looked during the day. In fact I wouldn't even have suspected them this time except I learned from the rooster experience: when it looks like the bird has some matter sticking in the feathers below the vent, check for mites that night. I used to think it was just fecal matter mixed with dirt from dust bathing or something but its the waste product from the mites.
That pen had 2 hens who were not having diarrhea but looked a little messy below their tails. Surely enough, mites.
Again, on the first recheck 3 days later, not a single mite. I skipped the 2nd treatment and it turned out one dousing seemed to be enough per the following recheck.
FlyingNunFarm is right, it IS one and done.

To date, none of the coops that had mites have had a recurrence. And now I pull a bird at night to randomly check at least every 2 weeks.

FWIW, my birds all have access to good dust bathing spots with fresh wood ash regularly added. That may be a help in prevention but once there's a real mite problem there needs to be something that interrupts the life cycle or kills them outright.

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