Has anyone heard of black yokes before??


In the Brooder
9 Years
Mar 21, 2010
Question for anyone out there. A freind of mine who also has chickens was saying that her hen has been laying eggs that have black yokes and when she cracks them open they smell like the biggest stink bomb just went off in her kitchen. She has two hens altogether and she said that they were with the male ducks who were trying to mate with them until she separated them. Now only one hen has this problem. They free range during the day, they do eat scraps and regular chicken food also. This hen also has had runny poo and a raw behind. Anyone ever come across this before????? Any info would be appreciated. Thanks
I've read that cottonseed meal can cause this. Some people use it as an organic fertilizer. Has your friend been using it in her yard where they free range?
Black rot in eggs is caused by the proteus bacteria. It's found in soil and fecal matter. Her hens have probably coming into contact with raw manure from an infected animal (possibly the ducks). She should make sure that their coop area is thoroughly clean and that their feed and water aren't coming into contact with any fecal matter.

The infected hen (which may be the case because of the runny poo and raw behind) will need to be on antibiotics to clear up the infection. Proteus bacteria are susceptible to ciprofloxacin
Thanks that makes sense. I also did hear about the cottonseed meal but no she is not using that and honestly never heard of it before.
Thanks for the info - I will pass it on!!!

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