Has anyone heard of....

that is indeed an EE... give her some time... ESP if you just got her...it takes time to get used to her new home...also... my EE's are notorious for " hiding" eggs... have you looked other places than the box?
i just revisited your pic ... she is not mature yet.... she will get really red in the comb/face... she is still light pink ... :)

give her time, that first blue/green egg will make ya smile, hoot and holler! ;-)
I just got her today.. Right now am getting her and the other two chickens I got with her, used to their new home. I am pretty sure she isn't a roo because I have an EE Roo that is about 11 weeks old and he already has a comb..here he is... this is "Henry"

I'm thinking roo, also. I think the color is roo, and I'm thinking I see saddle feathers hanging down by his tail. Can you get a nice side shot?
He/she is colored much like my EE roo was -- it was months and months before I know she was a he. On the other hand, I have read of EE's taking a year to start laying.
I'm really thinking roo still. Maybe post on the "What breed or gender?" board to get some more input. I've never seen a ee hen with the red on the sides, that's usually a roo hallmark.
I have EE mixed with Sussex, she could be a mix but either mom or dad was EE for sure. they are slow to lay but if you are free ranging at all I would start looking for a nest. My grandsons just found 2 nests outside the coop 38 eggs in all. I wondered why I wasn't getting as many eggs as I thought I should!
I appreciate everyone's input.
I enjoy reading everyone's posts and am learning a lot from this forum.

I am almost 99% sure the chicken is a "SHE" I compared her to my for sure roo...and she does not have the pointy saddle feathers that he has. her back feathers are rounded. although she is REALLY fluffy and super soft...

about the mix...LOL
that is what started my thread...because I was wondering if there were a certain chicken out there that would not lay eggs..because of the mix. Was trying to sort out truth from error.

I did not know however, that EE's were so tricky with their nests!

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