Has anyone here gotten sick from mice (LCMV)?


Jul 16, 2020
Hi all! Has anyone here gotten LCMV from mice in the chicken coop?

We've been dealing with mice around our coop for the past year or so. We are trying to trap the mice, but in the meantime we've had droppings that I've cleaned up periodically.

I have since learned about LCMV and am so scared that I could have caught it. My husband and I have been doing IVF and have frozen embryos during the time I've been cleaning mouse droppings. I talked to my IVF doctor and they weren't concerned, and I will be doing an antibody test in three weeks.

In the meantime, I was just curious how common this may be. Thank you!
If your doctor isn't concerned I would try not to worry. It's good they listened and are getting you tested so you can know for certain.
Stress is not good for fertility as I'm sure you know! It's a primal thing, our bodies don't want to reproduce if you are sending yourself messages that all is not right in your world / a predator is about to eat you.

So just because an animal can carry a disease, doesn't mean they have it. We ourselves act as hosts for all manner of infectious diseases, but the chance of having one at any given time are rather small.

It looks like the symptoms of LCMV are noticeable. Did you experience these?

For infected persons who do become ill, onset of symptoms usually occurs 8-13 days after exposure to the virus as part of a biphasic febrile illness. This initial phase, which may last as long as a week, typically begins with any or all of the following symptoms: fever, malaise, lack of appetite, muscle aches, headache, nausea, and vomiting. Other symptoms appearing less frequently include sore throat, cough, joint pain, chest pain, testicular pain, and parotid (salivary gland) pain.
If your doctor isn't concerned I would try not to worry. It's good they listened and are getting you tested so you can know for certain.
Stress is not good for fertility as I'm sure you know! It's a primal thing, our bodies don't want to reproduce if you are sending yourself messages that all is not right in your world / a predator is about to eat you.

So just because an animal can carry a disease, doesn't mean they have it. We ourselves act as hosts for all manner of infectious diseases, but the chance of having one at any given time are rather small.

It looks like the symptoms of LCMV are noticeable. Did you experience these?
Thank you so much for your reply! It truly means so much! I try telling myself that IVF brings a lot of anxiety, so maybe my brain is just overestimating the risk of this situation.

I didn't have any over those symptoms that I can recall. I did do a big clean out on Sunday. It was so dusty! I wore a KN95 and gloves and showered immediately after. Hopefully it will all be okay.

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