Has this happened to anyone????

Tennis balls in tube socks?
I have a similar story but I was dressed
When we lived in the boonies, we had a BUNCH of signs on our gate. Beware of dog, beware of horses (they did not like strangers), beware of all animals, no trespassing. I was home alone, and here comes a knock on the door. I opened the door RIGHT before Bert head butted one of the JW's right off the porch. Thankfully, I stopped him in his tracks, but baby goats.... give em a toy they are gonna play and what could be more fun than two kids they have never seen before.

I looked at them and said "I see you almost paid for ignoring my signs, however the guy next door? He lives by his sign PROTECTED BY THE SECOND AMENDMENT." I also told them to call their super and have them come get these kids out of conversative, gun-totin, red-neck boonies and drop them somewhere safer. Along with my lecture, I gave them a bottle of water.
Not me! I love our aerial shot! It's about 6 years old, and to this day, I love to look at it. It's a nice piece of family history for my children to have as well.

Unrelated to this....I had a guy who did an aerial shot show up at my place to try to sell it to me. I declined (it was $100!) and he was pushy pushy. Then he wanted to know if the man of the house was around. Ha hahahahahaha. I simply said " *I* make the decisions around here". And walked in the gate. He seemed to take the hint.
I'm in the club. The set up of our homes is similar. We live on 11+ acres, closer to the road than you but completely secluded by trees and brush. After getting caught twice while completely naked , I now make sure that I have at least undershorts on when outside. On the plus side of getting caught naked, the Jehovah's witnesses no longer stop here.
I have been out at the chickens scantily dressed in PJs and my male neighbor will come out and want to chat. I just stand there with my arms crossed over my chest and make it quick His wife has been out dressed the same and my DH will chat with her. We joke about "your husband is the only other person who sees me like this"

As far as the JH, the fist time they came by I politely explained my beliefs. After they continued to come I just didn't answer the door. One time I was outside cleaning coops and I hid inside. I'm all for sharing your faith but I believe in sharing by being 'in their midst'. That way people let you be around them and sharing a little here and there and hopefully just planting a seed. With JH it is well known the majority of people are extremely annoyed by their persistant visits and constant hounding. If their methods turn people away seems they ought to get a clue that they are hindering people listening to them.
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Not me! I love our aerial shot! It's about 6 years old, and to this day, I love to look at it. It's a nice piece of family history for my children to have as well.

Unrelated to this....I had a guy who did an aerial shot show up at my place to try to sell it to me. I declined (it was $100!) and he was pushy pushy. Then he wanted to know if the man of the house was around. Ha hahahahahaha. I simply said " *I* make the decisions around here". And walked in the gate. He seemed to take the hint.

man of the house? doesn't he know being condescending does not encourage people to buy your product?
i tend to wear shorts and a holey shirt - cause i dont care if it gets caught on the fence and tears again!

one time - my cat got out (spoiled house cat who would not make it outside) and it was dark - i also thought the trees would cover me so i went outside - naked to grab him- i was scared if i went to get clothes he would get away - he was black and i knew i wouldnt see him - next day - sheriff visited - a neighbor called to complain i was outside naked

of course neighbor was about an acre away - but they were offended

love country living - and neighbors are okay - but yeeeegads - the nosey ones are soooooo pain in the ... patella
Had a friend that was surprised at his farm house by a car load of Jehovah's Witnesses, he was on a ladder fixing something on this roof, all he was wearing was boots and a nail apron, they all had a good laugh and they moved on to their next victim.

BTW, GREAT homesite.
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Are you friends with my DH?!?!?! As my DD just pointed out if it was DH he would have been wearing a ball cap, and the boots would have been old fire boots.

We got too many of these to recount.

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