Hatch-Along - Setting eggs this weekend (Jan5/6) WHOS WITH ME!

So I candled my 24 eggs. I had 3 what I seem to be definite bloodrings, 2 clears and 2 ?s, That left 17 with good veining and movement
Im happy with that result as they are shipped eggs. Ill candle again this weekend around day 14ish.
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yes yes yes!!! I normally candle once a day now and my candling is just see the veins and dot and rotate and move on but my sister was in the room with me and wanted to try it out. She saw it wiggle so I stared harder and there it was! They were almost all doing it
:) They are doing the happy dance w/ ya'll !
I have one batch hatching this friday, but started a second batch with a friend on the 5th of Jan, so we're in!

Jill has Lemon Cuckoo Orphingtons (I hope that's right) and I have the rest of her bator filled with Wheaton French Marans.
Good luck with the cream leg bars. My cream legbar hens just finally got old enough to lay! I plan to hatch eggs of their later this spring. I have three really nice roos and 8 darling hens. (The roos would like me to have more hens).
I hope the eggs will get a little bigger before then, as these pullet eggs are pretty tiny.

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