Hatchery Logic?

Well, I kind of understand the math. If you are selling only three ducklings, the amount per Bird alone would not cover costs including the labor and supplies for packing shipments. If you order at least 15 then the price starts to make economic sense.
I was going to suggest that you could probably drive to Metzer's and pick up the birds from them. I don't believe they have a minimum order for pick ups.

Yep, as i said it's about quantity first. I don't dislike hatchery's as with everything their are good and bad ones, they give a viable option and not everyone needs birds of high quality lineage(and yes i do know some can offer that is not the general rule though).
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Tell us what you got when you get them and where you get them from. One suggestion I have is if you do drive down to Gonzales, try to do it early in the morning or on a weekend. I know the the traffic in the Silicon Valley can almost be as bad as LA.
It's true on the traffic. Fortunately for me, I'll be driving against the rush hour traffic both ways.

I've been emailing with Metzer this morning. They do have Welsh Harlequins available for pick-up next Wednesday. I'm going to go work with the rabbits and chickens a bit and contemplate the addition before pulling the trigger on the order. As impulsive as I can be, I try to build in some time for deliberation. But I'd say all signs point to ducklings soon. :)

As to the WH as my breed of choice, I'm certainly open to being argued in another direction if someone has a recommendation. My goal is both meat and eggs, and also a breed that will hatch/raise its own when the time comes.
They are also relatively rare, as ducks go, or so it is my understanding.

That was my understanding, too. However, I think there might be some dubious math going on. I don't think they're common by any stretch of the imagination. But the Conservancy classification of "critically endangered" is from a 14-year-old survey that doesn't include hobby farmers like me. Nevertheless, I do like the idea of having something that is a bit less common than the average bird.
That was my understanding, too. However, I think there might be some dubious math going on. I don't think they're common by any stretch of the imagination. But the Conservancy classification of "critically endangered" is from a 14-year-old survey that doesn't include hobby farmers like me. Nevertheless, I do like the idea of having something that is a bit less common than the average bird.

Get those birds out there to shows! :) I do see WHs at shows, but not many...we definitely need more of the bigger ducks at shows too!

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