hatchery oriental game breeds

I do not recommend Ideal's Malay either. They are small (around 5 - 7 lbs) and not the right shape (reminiscent of cornish). They do make good eating birds.

Their saipan are not correct, there has been some massive crossing there. I imagine it was done to increase their egg laying ability. The cocks show incorrect combs & wattles (saipan have pea combs and non-existant wattles), as well as a high tail set. The hens are nice to look at, will brood eggs and chicks for a good while.




I have heard that Cackle's saipans are nicer than Ideals, but still not quite correct compared to photos of Saylor's saipans.

Neither hatchery lines have the same spirit that the original Saylor saipans had.
Ideal screws their reputation in naming the colors of Asils. Gamefowl- Especially the orientals were not bred for color. So you can breed a white to a black in Asil, Shamo, Malay, etc and come out with a red, blue, brown red, or whatever is in their heritage... Naming them "dark" or "black" Asils or other will make people who do not understand the Orientals well angry for receiving the wrong colors unless you have found a line that produces only that coloration.

I could have lived with an off feathering color, if the eyes were pearl.

Ideal's color description is the least of the problems with their Aseels.
Ideal screws their reputation in naming the colors of Asils. Gamefowl- Especially the orientals were not bred for color. So you can breed a white to a black in Asil, Shamo, Malay, etc and come out with a red, blue, brown red, or whatever is in their heritage... Naming them "dark" or "black" Asils or other will make people who do not understand the Orientals well angry for receiving the wrong colors unless you have found a line that produces only that coloration.

I could have lived with an off feathering color, if the eyes were pearl.

Ideal's color description is the least of the problems with their Aseels.

Yup. I agree.. It's not only the Asils though, pretty much any unusual and possible "rare" breed. What happened to the chicks by the way?
I could have lived with an off feathering color, if the eyes were pearl.

Ideal's color description is the least of the problems with their Aseels.

Yup. I agree.. It's not only the Asils though, pretty much any unusual and possible "rare" breed. What happened to the chicks by the way?

The hens didn't lay a big enough egg to stay in the laying flock, and I didn't want to keep any roosters. We kept one wild marked hen (she's running free range with the laying flock) and someone wanted to the rest because they liked the look of them. At least they ended up with someone who liked them.
Yup. I agree.. It's not only the Asils though, pretty much any unusual and possible "rare" breed. What happened to the chicks by the way?

The hens didn't lay a big enough egg to stay in the laying flock, and I didn't want to keep any roosters. We kept one wild marked hen (she's running free range with the laying flock) and someone wanted to the rest because they liked the look of them. At least they ended up with someone who liked them.

Ohh i see.. Wouldn't happen to have any pics would you?
First, thanks so much to both Ryu and Cuban Longtails!! Ryu, your experience sounds pretty bad, sorry to hear about it, and thanks for the information. Cuban Longtails, thanks for the pics!!!!! Awesome!! The top bird looks like a cornish to me, if it's to be a Malay, it's pretty poor looking, too heavy, too much wattles, tail too high. The center bird actually looks ok to me, is it a Saipan? The last I'm assuming is a Malay hen, looks like a cornish X oeg to me, looks poor also.
gallorojo - those are photos of the saipan from Ideal. Hens come in two varieties the wheaten and dark wheaten. The cocks have all been black breasted red.

I thought I had a photo of the malay but I can't find it.
So, we actually did get a few of Ideal's oriental's this spring . I added a few onto an order of meat birds and bantams, just a few to see what they were like. I ordered 2 thai, 2 shamo, and 2 sumatras. One thai hen is EXCELLENT, I can find no faults with her. The other thai was DOA. One Shamo was also DOA, the other turned out to be a cockerel. He was very poor in type, in terms of overall conformation, he looked like a modern game, with a tail that pointed up, not down!! He had a good head, and good scales, and eyes, but the tail was AWFUL...so we killed him this Saturday past. He was the skinniest bird we ever plucked!! The sumatras? are both hens, one is excellent, the other does not have black skin/eyes!! Huh? Possibly she is a dark asil, who knows? All of them were pure black with dark shanks, all the big ones had the odd,rough scales orientals should have. So, we got a few decent birds, and some junk. However, the same goes really for any birds from a hatchery, even our barred rocks are mostly junk, maybe 1 in 10 is excellent, and 3-5 in 10 are passable, and the other half are junk. You just have to cull really hard if you want to have show quality, standard bred birds if you buy from a hatchery. I'm not really unhappy with what we got, like I said, if I had bought wyandottes or silkies I would have the same results, I'm sure. The orientals seem about the same, not great, but the price is right, and the bad ones still are edible!! Our 2 good birds really are good, so I'm pleased with them.
So did you get some saipans? I've got 32 malays and I love them smart and friendly. You can teach them anything. Don't care about showing them. How did it go with the saipans? I got mine from Ideal too.

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