Hatchery surprise


6 Years
May 27, 2013
Hi all,
I ordered 5 ducklings from Ideal hatchery last week. I was surprised to fond 10 male chicks the box! I thought might toss in a male duck or two, but 10'roosters??? What on earth am I going to do with 10 roosters? Anyone in southern Michigan/northern Ohio want them? They're yours for free!
Yep, Ideal adds roosters to small orders unless you buy insurance so that the babies will be warm enough to survive on their way to you. Good luck finding them a home! Try posting on your local craigslist, someone might want them to raise for meat.
They said it wasn't a mistake at all, but that they always add male chicks for warmth. I feel like that is suck a sad degradation of value of life! The male chicks are just packing material basically. Here's e kicker: they are resending the order because 3 of the ducklings died....So now I'll have 20 roosters?!???! I'm probably going to cancel or ask them to put more ducks and not chicks, because that's just nuts.
They won't do more ducks for free, you'll have to buy them. Ask to buy insurance (it's like a $2) and they won't include the males, but then you run the risk of the ducklings getting cold on the way and dieing, which is why they include them in the first place. The way I see it is, they send the males because no one buys them. Either they send them as 'packing peanuts' and they get a chance to live, or they are killed. I'm not sure what Ideal does with the ones that don't sell, but common practice is to either gas them or grind them into dog food. It's terrible, but it's what happens because everyone wants hens and no one wants roosters, and there's nothing that can be done with them. So at least sent as packing peanuts they get the chance to live.
They won't do more ducks for free, you'll have to buy them. Ask to buy insurance (it's like a $2) and they won't include the males, but then you run the risk of the ducklings getting cold on the way and dieing, which is why they include them in the first place. The way I see it is, they send the males because no one buys them. Either they send them as 'packing peanuts' and they get a chance to live, or they are killed. I'm not sure what Ideal does with the ones that don't sell, but common practice is to either gas them or grind them into dog food. It's terrible, but it's what happens because everyone wants hens and no one wants roosters, and there's nothing that can be done with them. So at least sent as packing peanuts they get the chance to live.

So true! samuelson farm go to your states thread and see if anyone is interested to, someone may want to grow them out for meat which is better to me than being ground up alive. 'Where am I where are you" thread.
I have heard of the packing peanuts, i would recommend always reading really carefully their shipping polices i definitely get why your upset lol that is a lot of boys... i would ensure you discuss other options for the reorder.

I keep a fair bit of roos myself but that many all at once? geez.
Yeah, unfortunately that is not uncommon. Ideal is local for me so I can pick them up without the "packing peanuts". It's sad but at the same time no one wants boys so what are they to do? You can buy insurance and they won't add them. This is all states under their shipping policy too. Just make sure you read it well the next time you order from a hatchery. I think craigslist will be your best bet to find them a home.
That's unfortunate, especially if you are getting ducks and don't have the room/desire/need for chickens.

I got my last order from Metzer farm, and specifically ordered a 72hr heating pack and grow gel to help my 3 new little's in transit....

Hope you find a home for the little roosters.



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