Hatching chicks in the coop


In the Brooder
9 Years
May 9, 2010
Southern TN
I am a little worried as I am new to hatching chicks. We successfully hatched our first batch of chicks in an incubater a couple weeks ago (8 out of 10). But in the meantime 2 of my hens decided they wanted to set, so I let them. Unfortunately I did not remove them from the coop with the other chickens and rooster. They are due to hatch in 6 or 7 days. What do I do? I have a place to put them once they hatch but no place to safely put the hens until then. Will the other chickens harm the chicks? Please help. What should I do?
I marked my eggs and just let her go. I've done this one other time, too. Just make her a little 'safe' place in the coop for her and her babies once they start moving around. I put a small dog crate with the door off for her to sit with her babies so they would be protected from the other birds. Once she got the knack of being a mommy she just pecked everyone and they just left the babies alone. This is what I'm going to do this time. My girl's eggies are due to hatch tomorrow, but one got broken on the large end and I brought it in. She is almost out of the shell this morning as I type. LOL

Good Luck!
Thanks for the advice. I will try the dog crate idea. I was going to put them in the nursery with the other babies from a different hatch. When will they start to leave the nest? Our nests are about 2 feet off the floor. I don't want anyone to get hurt trying to get out. We've had our chickens for a year now but this is the first time we have had any momma's to set on the eggs. It is so much fun!

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