Hatching chicks with my broody hens.

Lovely to see everyone's hatchlings, we have 3 out of 6 eggs hopefully hatching the beginning of next week.
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How exciting I think they have started hatching. Our hen has definitely increased her protectiveness so we haven't been able to see just yet. It's come at a bit of a surprise to us as day 21 isn't until Tuesday?!?! We went in to do a bit of a clean up today for the iminant arrival and I think 1 has joined us already.
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I have a broody hen sitting on three eggs.should hatch memorial weekend.Will the rooster hurt them? I only have one coop so how will I go about feeding them and protecting from the other chickens.I could put a dog crate in the coop like someone suggested but can I move the eggs without hurting the babies inside? Help only have a week to figure it out
I have a broody hen sitting on three eggs.should hatch memorial weekend.Will the rooster hurt them? I only have one coop so how will I go about feeding them and protecting from the other chickens.I could put a dog crate in the coop like someone suggested but can I move the eggs without hurting the babies inside? Help only have a week to figure it out

Do u let them free range? I just had 3 hens hatch babies... 10 each for 2 that were in nesting boxes off the ground and 7 from one that decided to make her nest in my burn pile! The 2 in the boxes I just set a cardboard box over the top of them when I heard peeps and left them overnight then picked them all up the next day & put them in pet carriers and moved em to an outside pen away from everyone else for a week or so! The burn pile mama hatched hers and brought them straight in the coop! She's done a great job of protecting them from all the other chickens and ducks! I set a box inside the coop for her but she's chosen my big bird hut as her new home which is fine cuz my ducks have abandoned it since I got more ducks...they sleep on the ground now! Best advice is to make sure they have access to food & water but no water dishes that r too deep...I accidentally made the mistake of leaving a bowl of water out that I have for my adults and one baby drown in it! Now it's just the small water containers that have the screw on tops...kinda like a hummingbird feeder! Mamas r good about taking care of the babies tho...just keep an eye out when they first hatch and if the rooster acts like he will mess with em then make arrangements to separate em! I let mine free range so it gives mama a little time alone with her babies during the day! Another thing to know is babies can fly when they r born so make sure u cover the nest when u start to hear peeps if they r off the ground...I had one fall out with the first batch too! Luckily I was in the coop cuz it couldn't get bk up to the nest and mama was freaking out! The baby was fine...I just had to grab him and give him bk to mama but it might've been bad if I hadn't been in there when it happened! U can use anything for her to hide in once they're hatched too...Cardboard box, pet carrier, dog cage, someone even said 5 gallon bucket turned on its side...just throw some bedding in whatever u choose to use and she will go inside and tuck her babies underneath her! Good luck!
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I have a weird situation that I'm extremely concerned about, especially since I have fertile eggs coming. I get birds (mostly various types of doves) in my coop and my hens gang up on them and kill and eat them if I'm not around to help them escape (they get in underneath and then can't figure out how to get back OUT!) Does anyone think my girls might kill chicks they've hatched?
I have a very lightweight store-bought coop (all I could afford and I'm not physically able to build something else) that basically just sits on the ground and I move it as best as I can from time to time...I wouldn't know how to block the dumb doves from getting inside on any kind of full-time basis!
Sadly not every member appreciates that there's more than one way to skin a cat. Its either ignorance or arrogance. I tend to block members if they fall into the latter -  beats getting into an argument and it keeps one's dignity intact :) . It's not always easy, but try to forget about them, and move on in the knowledge that the majority of members are not like that.

You sound very knowledgeable you shouldn't let people wind you up as long as you are in the right nobody can say anything you need people like that to keep you on your toes silly people carnt be educated so just ignore them thanks WB

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