Hatching Chicks


6 Years
Jul 20, 2016
Yuma, AZ
We decided to get some eggs that are starting to hatch. 1 chick hatched last night and we have 5 more to go. My question is we are making a temporary area because the way our chicken coop is was going to be difficult to chick proof so we made a small yard with house for them but I'm worried about the cold. We live in San Diego and it's been getting down in the 50s and Momma hen seems fine but will she be able to keep them warm enough?
Yay! Ok. I just wanted to double check. I also saw that chicks will learn to go up and down ramps? We made a temp area cause I wasn't sure and I'm also worried the other chickens might try and hurt them...
The broody hen will protect her chicks and teach them to use the ramp. They will surprise you how quickly they learn. If the ramp is steep, you might tack a terry towel on the surface for the first week for added traction. Teensy baby feet tend to slip.

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