Hatching Dirty Eggs?

Good morning! As of today, we have 4 babies

They are fluffy and adorable, as expected

However, something is bothering me... I don't see anyone eating! They have food and water nearby but they just hide underneath their mom. Lucrezia has pecked the food a little bit, but seems also very uninterested. Is this normal? There are still 7 eggs to go, may this be the reason?

First family photo:

As of today, mom isn't interested in the leftover eggs anymore. Plus, we've had an accident
... One of the four hatched chicks was found dead this afternoon. I don't know what happened... there were no wounds. I think it may have suffocated under the hay in the nest. I have moved Lucrezia and the three surviving chicks into a bigger and safer space, where they can move around better.

From 12 eggs we had in the beginning:

- 1 broke on the 3rd day
- 2 chicks hatched on the 20th day
- 2 chicks hatched on the 21st day
- 1 chick died on the 5th day
- 7 unhatched eggs remained

Results... 3 chicks and a lot of frustration. I've learned a few things:

- Never to add any eggs to a clutch, not even a day later!
- Definitely, to move moms and chicks to a bigger space on the 4th day.
- Obviously, to keep everything as clean as possible, even though I'm not sure if this was the reason for the failure.

What do you think? Is it normal that only 4 out of 12 make it through? Considering that we're in the middle of winter...
Winter could have had something to do with the low hatch rate.
Tho I had a broody hatch 7 of 7 in a frigid winter here...one died at about 10 days, could have been stepped on by the broody.

Adding eggs later could be part of it.
How much later did you add?

The broken egg could have had something to do with it, even tho it appeared she 'cleaned up' the mess.
The egg gunk could have clogged pores in the other eggs, restricting evaporation and gas exchange.

Some of the eggs may never have developed for many reasons.
Opening the eggs left behind, an 'eggtopsy', might offer clues as to why they didn't hatch.
Adding eggs later could be part of it.
How much later did you add?

I found her sitting on 8 eggs, then added 4 the next day. Guess she may have been sitting there before I noticed it, but that seems unlikely... In any case, I guess you are right and it may have been the sum of it all. Now, I just hope these 3 chicks make it to adulthood, since Lucrezia appears to be the only broody in my flock... All my other girls just want to lay eggs, and I really need a few more birds.

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