Hatching Duck eggs....I messed up...UPDATE.....#1

I just read the whole thread! SOOO interesting! Congrats on bouncer and hopefully his brothers and sisters will hatch without any problems! I can't wait to see pics! Wish my hens would go broody do I could hatch some ducks! I would use an incubator but I'm looking for a cheap but well working one! Good luck to you and bouncer! We're all cheering you on!

As far as incubators go I have two, one from each end of the spectrum. A brisnea mini advance that fits 7 eggs with an auto turner (auto turning doesn't work on my duck eggs, they're too big/heavy) and a Little Giant styrofoam number with no bells or whistles.

Both have their issues. Brisnea doesn't have a hygrometer so you have to provide your own or guess. The little giant is not little. It's 4x the size of my brisnea, but it's got a hygrometer. The little giant is a still air incubator though, and I'm pretty sure the temp difference is 1.5° lower on the outside edge.

I think I got the LG for $40-60 at Tractor Supply...
I just read the whole thread! SOOO interesting! Congrats on bouncer and hopefully his brothers and sisters will hatch without any problems! I can't wait to see pics! Wish my hens would go broody do I could hatch some ducks! I would use an incubator but I'm looking for a cheap but well working one! Good luck to you and bouncer! We're all cheering you on!

As far as incubators go I have two, one from each end of the spectrum. A brisnea mini advance that fits 7 eggs with an auto turner (auto turning doesn't work on my duck eggs, they're too big/heavy) and a Little Giant styrofoam number with no bells or whistles.

Both have their issues. Brisnea doesn't have a hygrometer so you have to provide your own or guess. The little giant is not little. It's 4x the size of my brisnea, but it's got a hygrometer. The little giant is a still air incubator though, and I'm pretty sure the temp difference is 1.5° lower on the outside edge.

I think I got the LG for $40-60 at Tractor Supply...

As you have read.....I am no expert! ....lol.....What has worked is my genesis Hova bator.....1588 and my Broody Hens! ......lol

We were actually looking at tractor supply! Thanks for the advice. I think I'll look for one like yours! I'm sure it will work to. What's your percentage on your hatches?

Lol......100% .....Bouncer was the first in the incubator .......So far on my second hatch and as of lockdown it was all going great!
I did fairly well last year. Using the Brisnea as an incubator, and the LG as a hetchery:

2016 Numbers
Eggs Developed/Eggs Set: 19/21 (90.4%)
Eggs Developed/Eggs Hatched: 18/19 (94.7%)

This year, I haven't hatched yet, but I've got eggs in the bator. The numbers so far are:
Eggs Developed/Eggs Set: 14/18 (77%)
Eggs Developed/Eggs Hatched: ?/14

The first four eggs I put in I think were either too old, or were infertile... It was pretty early in the season for a new layer.

I keep thinking I should look at Hovabotors.. people that have them seem to love them.. Maybe if one of these kicks the bucket.
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My chicks!
Alice is tucked under my arm and mad!


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