Hatching Duck eggs....I messed up...UPDATE.....#1

OH No, I'm so sorry. It's so addicting. You will never stop now. Good luck. What kind of ducks?

This is actually our third time hatching, but the other two times our lovely Buff Orpington duckie Dory did the incubating. A motley assortment of eggs from the flock.
Buffs and half buffs, a runner drake, a Welsh harlequin, a Khaki campbell and half KC, a mallard drake and half mallard daughters...
Congrats.....Best of luck with the hatch...:) .... I am starting Call eggs tomorrow and have 12 in my other incubator due to hatch on the 26th...;) ......

Thanks! Oh that's awesome! What humidity do you usually start with? 

I start with 50%.....The last week I drop to 40% till lock down and them go with 65%......
:lau  This is actually our third time hatching, but the other two times our lovely Buff Orpington duckie Dory did the incubating. A motley assortment of eggs from the flock. :D  Buffs and half buffs, a runner drake, a Welsh harlequin, a Khaki campbell and half KC, a mallard drake and half mallard daughters... :p

That's a nice mix. I love mixes. You never know what your going to get. And once hatched, the guessing game begins.
My dad said that the ducks are 'still in transit.' And the Post Office hasn't called either, and if they do, now it's too late. My dad works too far to get the ducks if they call. So the ducks will probably have to stay wherever they are tonight. Which is probably in a box somewhere.
Do you think they'll be okay? My dad called Metzer's, and they said that they did ship the ducks Monday. So the ducks have been in there since Monday
I'm so worried
Did your dad actually call the PO and ask if they were there? Ive heard that they can be very unhelpful and not bother calling right away

I sure hope they will be ok!

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