Hatching Duck eggs....I messed up...UPDATE.....#1

The first two did not make it...Other 13 seam to be okay?...not sure what is up with the Mini Appleyard ?...
Oh well.....
Glad yours are wobbling...Soon they should pip....
Keeping everything crossed this end.
Sorry to hear of your sad news. How far did they get, guess I'm wondering how you know. Some of mine aren't wobbling but without taking them out there's no way of knowing if they're ok so I'm just assuming they are as one egg is way wobblier than the others so I assume some find it hard to position themselves.
Yours are getting into position to pip....First they pip the air cell and then external pip the shell....It takes hours..

Mine never made to the first stage after lock down...I was told these mini appleyard are hard to hatch....

I candled mine and they were dead.....
1 pipped egg this morning but not one of the wigglers so now I'm worrying about them because I really have to watch to see them move now.
Yours are getting into position to pip....First they pip the air cell and then external pip the shell....It takes hours..

Mine never made to the first stage after lock down...I was told these mini appleyard are hard to hatch....

I candled mine and they were dead.....
Really sorry to hear that. These little blighters break our hearts. I've only successfully hatched 3 ducklings to date and 1 died after a couple of days.
I"m putting together a new kitchen to keep myself from staring at my eggs all day!!

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