Hatching Eggs / Paypal CHAT Thread

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omgosh that is so cool it even looks all classy and nice, your serama room is nicer then my liveing room.. I have indoor serama to i thought i was th only one

Thank you, Gabrielle. I must say though, the camera does lie a bit. The brooder is made out of plywood, it looks nicer than it really is because of the way we painted it, lol <shhhh> xD Yeh, I decided I wanted the Serama indoors. Loads of folks don't agree with it but the way I see it, they're my birds, I'll keep them where I like.
We have 'outdoor' chickens too...they're cold hardy though and it's sooooo nasty outside right now. Snow, snow and more snow...don't want the itty-bitties out in that mess.
That is adorable. I have chicks hatching now from my project birds. I have a white crested blue bantam polish roo with my blue non crested sizzle hen. I've got 5 out so far. The first batch I got 3 lav babies and 2 are frizzled.

Oh my gosh! Those are adorable!!! I love the little crests :)
Majorly excited! My polish laid her first egg! :yesss:
Sadly, when it gets dark and I haven't been home to put them up she flies up into the trees. I wasn't home tonight... Went out there and she's not on " her branch" ( she only goes to this one branch ) I hope that maybe she's just up high. : (

Congrats on your polish egg. So exciting getting the first one!
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