Hatching Eggs / Paypal CHAT Thread

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My bad day continues ----- I contacted Gabblebabble and she had given them away THIS MORNING!! I'm so bummed..... Now I want to go home and crawl UNDER the bed....(it would probably fall on me)
I hope the rest of your week goes better. My week like that was last week. A week ago while we were at church, one of our BR hens (the one we had just nursed through a TERRIBLE molt and was looking GREAT!) decided to go swimming in the cow's water trough. We're not sure if she drowned or froze to death first.
Then, on Thursday, one of my Disney Orpington hens dropped dead. Still don't know why, though we suspect she got herself caught in the grating between the two sides of the coop and killed herself pulling loose.
Then on Friday, DH found a redtail dining on our crested duck. Why do they always get the girls, even when there are more boys to choose from?
I hope the rest of your week goes better. My week like that was last week. A week ago while we were at church, one of our BR hens (the one we had just nursed through a TERRIBLE molt and was looking GREAT!) decided to go swimming in the cow's water trough. We're not sure if she drowned or froze to death first.
Then, on Thursday, one of my Disney Orpington hens dropped dead. Still don't know why, though we suspect she got herself caught in the grating between the two sides of the coop and killed herself pulling loose.
Then on Friday, DH found a redtail dining on our crested duck. Why do they always get the girls, even when there are more boys to choose from?

Soooo sorry
Don't you just hate bad days......
K guys n gals, set eggs this morn...temp was steady over weekend, put Turner and eggs in and temp spiked to 101.4, other therm said 102. i'm adjusting temp but since its day 1...how do I calibrate my therm/hygro meters?
To everyone with new puppies, we are trying to get a new puppy for companionship for our GSD. A local no kill shelter has an add up for Golden Retreiver/Border Collie cross. I have got to believe these would be absolutely fabulous dogs. I'm just concerned about my chickens. What do you guys think? If they are raised with the chicks will they be OK?
I have always heard Border collies have a strong prey drive, But I'm not a experienced dog person so take it at its worth.
Okay, so I just had someone ask about one of my chicks, and when I said it was straight run because I don't vent sex, they said, "So feather sexing isn't reliable? Males have all the same length feathers on their wings. Females, every other feather." Anyone heard this one before?
Feather sexing isn't reliable on any of my breeds. I tell people that say that they are welcome to try it and pick they chicks that they think are hens but I am not going to promise something I cant be sure of. I did get some hints on marans from a random guy who came and showed me what he thought were "roo legs" so I watch for that now, but 2 of those were hens anyway so I don't rely on that either.

I'M there with you on the sad week. I had a 0% hatch on my own eggs.. ( not in the megabator, I had a very few eggs so It was not on) all formed chicks that stopped, heat must have spiked. Then my little laying cream legbar hen died, I think eggbound. I was away all weekend and DH didn't tell me until I got home. Its just depressing.
I lost my last two remaining little NJ roos. Now I will have to raise more..... My new Spangle OEGB rooster did not make it either.(The hens hated him and I really think they KILLED him) Now I am on another search. I would like Spangle and Mille Fleur eggs/hens/roosters if anyone knows of any...My two Australorp roosters decided to have it out after a year together. I had to split them up and clean them up. They were a bloody mess. Guess one will have to go. I am super attached to both. They come to me for treats and pets every morning. Can't get my thoughts straight this morning. Babymakes6 - please forgive me the multiple PM's. I sent before reading all the post.

Hope everyone else has a great day - The way mine has started, I may need to go back home and start over
So sorry for both of your losses. They are so hard to lose when you invest so much time and heart into them
Oh my gosh.. I'm so sorry about everyones bad luck! I hope it all turns around soon.

A package was sent out for Flocksalot this afternoon..

Tracking #9505510768523042531263 expected delivery Wednesday, February 13.
I have always heard Border collies have a strong prey drive, But I'm not a experienced dog person so take it at its worth.
Yes B.C. do have a strong prey drive, all herding bred dogs do. BUT, most sheep herding dogs have very little bite instinct. (They don't want them eating sheep) So mine may try to herd the chickens on occasion, but I can leave them in with my chickens all day and never worry about them hurting one. Now cattle bred dogs have more bite to them, so can be more of a concern. And of course there are exceptions to every rule! I watched my dog nudge a chicken all the way accross my basement floor.
I have always heard Border collies have a strong prey drive, But I'm not a experienced dog person so take it at its worth.
Feather sexing isn't reliable on any of my breeds. I tell people that say that they are welcome to try it and pick they chicks that they think are hens but I am not going to promise something I cant be sure of. I did get some hints on marans from a random guy who came and showed me what he thought were "roo legs" so I watch for that now, but 2 of those were hens anyway so I don't rely on that either.

I'M there with you on the sad week. I had a 0% hatch on my own eggs.. ( not in the megabator, I had a very few eggs so It was not on) all formed chicks that stopped, heat must have spiked. Then my little laying cream legbar hen died, I think eggbound. I was away all weekend and DH didn't tell me until I got home. Its just depressing.
so sorry to hear about people losing their birds...I know it sounds corny but I am flighing high right now because my eggs are pipped and hatching and I want to draw everyone into my happiness. I wish I could.
Quote: Sorry you are having such a rough Monday............... her eis to a much better rest of the week.

K guys n gals, set eggs this morn...temp was steady over weekend, put Turner and eggs in and temp spiked to 101.4, other therm said 102. i'm adjusting temp but since its day 1...how do I calibrate my therm/hygro meters?
turners will increase temps from the motor running.
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