Hatching Eggs / Paypal CHAT Thread

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Guess what I was doing at 10:30 pm last night? My Nubian, Rogue had her baby last night as we were turning off the lights in the barn so from 10:30-12 ish we were taking care of the newbie! Totally unprepared so luckily she popped the baby right out with no complications. I told Steve that the chicks being born were not as exciting any more. This is my first goat birth so I was so excited I could hardly sleep. Only problem is I don't think Rogue is going to be a good mom, she don't want to have much to do with the baby.

Good Luck!!!!!! It's not easy but you can do it!

When I finally decided to quit I knew I would need something to keep my mind and hands busy so I decided to take the money that I would have spent in a week on Cigarettes and buy a big pack of lotto scratch offs- the long annoying Bingo ones lol. I figured my gambling addiction could help me overcome my smoking addiction, lol.

Anyways, every time I had an urge to smoke I would grab a Bingo scratch off and start scratching! By the time I was done the urge was gone. Those first 2 weeks I did a whole lotta scratching
Long story short I quit smoking AND gambling
I never want to see another scratch off again! (although I did win a few dollars

Now if I only could stop eating
My Dad had the hand mouth fixation problem so when he quit cold turkey he substituted with coffee stirrer sticks. At first he tried suckers but was going through a huge bad of dumdums everyday. Good luck quiting!

Oh yeah... I ended up with 7 rhodebars (3 boys/ 4 girls) out of 14 eggs, 2 chocolate wyandottes out of (can't remember for sure) I think 14 from GF (very sad!!- I paid a lot of money for 2 choc wyandotte chicks) I think 5 silver penciled rocks and a few of my own thrown in. In the incubator I put 3 Choc orp eggs in- really hoping they are fertile! I am getting an egg every other day from the chocs.
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Guess what I was doing at 10:30 pm last night? My Nubian, Rogue had her baby last night as we were turning off the lights in the barn so from 10:30-12 ish we were taking care of the newbie! Totally unprepared so luckily she popped the baby right out with no complications. I told Steve that the chicks being born were not as exciting any more. This is my first goat birth so I was so excited I could hardly sleep. Only problem is I don't think Rogue is going to be a good mom, she don't want to have much to do with the baby.
Awes cute! Just keep an eye on them, as long as mom is letting baby nurse you should be ok. :) I had good ultrasound results the other day...everyone that was supposed to be pregnant was and no one " extra" from the buck escape.
morning all .............. woke to 5/6 new sebbie goslings out and fluffy. the last is running about 8-10 hours behind the first so expect it to hatch today sometime. Will get pictures later one after we get them a brooder set up here in the house. Also looks like 4/5 of those already hatched are ALL GIRLS!
Yeah! for Sebbie girls! Got any pictures yet?

I caught Lemonade in the corner of the brooder yesterday all curled up with a little Appleyard curled around his neck. I wasn't able to get a picture, though, because when he sees me he comes running!

I actually got my 1st 2 Sebbie eggs Tues & Wed. I am going to try again, last year they laid but I had poor fertility and anything that started to develop quit on me. I am going to take COF's incubating advice....so wish me luck.
Best wishes! I haven't gotten any eggs from my Appleyards or Sebbies yet.
Quote: I will be praying for you! Personally, I have never smoked, but I think I would get mad at the tobacco/cigarette industry for producing and selling something so addictive AND expensive!

I wanted to thank everyone for sharing their stories last night. It is wonderful for people to be able to connect from all over the country, and to be inspired by other lives.
How is your little guy? All better?
Quote: Mine will count toward your total. If BlackBrook is still restricted then hers won't count.
Quote: Same here! I LOVE having some quiet time just for me, but it doesn't happen much at all!
Guess what I was doing at 10:30 pm last night? My Nubian, Rogue had her baby last night as we were turning off the lights in the barn so from 10:30-12 ish we were taking care of the newbie! Totally unprepared so luckily she popped the baby right out with no complications. I told Steve that the chicks being born were not as exciting any more. This is my first goat birth so I was so excited I could hardly sleep. Only problem is I don't think Rogue is going to be a good mom, she don't want to have much to do with the baby.

Good morning..

Congratulations, TNBEARCHICK!

Hatcher incubator temps are finally stable and eggs are in lockdown, some from Madam which look great so far. Thanks again for the advice.

Long shot here.. is there anyone who has me down for Spring eggs who could send some for the Easter hatchalong set date of 3/9? When I signed up the girls were laying well and my plan was to set some of my own but now that they are promised to someone they've gotten pretty lazy about it. Why does it always happen like this? lol If not I might have to withdraw since I am currently banned by DH to spend any money on eggs right now and since I don't have eggs to swap, that precludes being able to swap altogether.
Luck to you!

Today will be a hard day for me. Hubbie and I are quitting smoking. I have quit before, but he always cave's and then I do too. I want to remain smoke free this time. I'm not using any gum, patches, or anything. My biggest reasons for stopping is health (mine and family) and wealth. I kind of do not see the point in buying gum or patches that cost more then a cheap carton or drugs that cost up to triple that amount. Anyway please keep us in your thoughts and prayers.

Why not take the money you were spending on cigarettes and put it in a jar. Think of something that you really, really want and make a label for the jar with that on it. Every time you feel the urge to light up go pick up the jar and remind yourself that your goal is one step closer with every cigarette you don't have. My in law's quit smoking years ago and they stashed all the money in a coffee can. After 6 months they were able to buy a new big screen tv and sound system to go along with it.
Quote: Quitting is hard but totally possible. I think what made the difference for me was that I had to really WANT to quit. Not "need" to. Once I really decided I was done, I just stopped. I went about a week with nothing and then tried the patch for a few days but had umm, side effects, so I stopped that. I was a bit cranky, for sure. But I tried to cut myself and others some slack...

You can do it!! Just keep imagining yourself being able to truly taste your food and stay busy. It gets easier. I wish you the best of luck with this!!
Why not take the money you were spending on cigarettes and put it in a jar. Think of something that you really, really want and make a label for the jar with that on it. Every time you feel the urge to light up go pick up the jar and remind yourself that your goal is one step closer with every cigarette you don't have. My in law's quit smoking years ago and they stashed all the money in a coffee can. After 6 months they were able to buy a new big screen tv and sound system to go along with it.

Good idea! My brother and his wife did that. They save for a few years and bought a motor home. Over the years since they still collect the money and every 5 to 10 years they upgrade. They recently bought a huge brand new one and its paid free and clear. It's amazing how much money they have saved, and that was back before a pack cost more than two dollars. When they retire they plan to travel all winter.

I was able to purchase my first home the same way except mine was just the down payment.
Why not take the money you were spending on cigarettes and put it in a jar. Think of something that you really, really want and make a label for the jar with that on it. Every time you feel the urge to light up go pick up the jar and remind yourself that your goal is one step closer with every cigarette you don't have. My in law's quit smoking years ago and they stashed all the money in a coffee can. After 6 months they were able to buy a new big screen tv and sound system to go along with it.
Good idea!

So far so good. Almost half way through the day. I am staying busy, ooo PO Person is here! brb
Side swap with DMRippy:

On 2/2 I sent her 14 of my Barred/Blue Plymouth Rock eggs DC#: 9405503699300305701199
On 2/4 she sent me 14 of her Lav. split AM eggs. DC#: 9505 5000 1844 3035 0001 69
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