Hatching Eggs / Paypal CHAT Thread

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Thanks everyone! I already have a GSBR Roo x my Blue Barred Rock hens/pullets. The barring is really nice in this new generation too.

380 POSTS! I might have to miss something
wish I had a dog that wouldn't go after my birds
Get a shock collar. When I first got my pit bull, he killed 6 chickens in one swipe. His total got up to about 10 before I got the "collar of shame". I turned that baby up to 10 and let him have it. He sits there just like that dog in the picture, trying not to make eye contact with the chickens while they eat his food. You have to be consistent with the collar, but after a week or so, you too can have a dog that won't go after your chickens. I used a brand called "Sportdog" its waterproof, which comes in really handy.
Quote: Thanks for the info on the sportdog...right now the only dog I have is a little dachshund...i don't worry about her, the chickens chase her, I think they play tag...but I gave up my boxer cause she was a bird eater, she is the reason I only had one turkey out of six that I boughttwo years ago and what got me back into chickens and turkeys, so I gave her away.
I do plan on getting another dog though cause the dachs. stays inside at night,I need a dog to stay outside with the birds...so I will definately get a shock collar next go around
Here's today's final tally in picture form
: 7 little fuzzy bundles of joy who will soon be scratching their feed all over the place and flying out of the brooder.

Good morning..

Congratulations, TNBEARCHICK!

Hatcher incubator temps are finally stable and eggs are in lockdown, some from Madam which look great so far. Thanks again for the advice.

Long shot here.. is there anyone who has me down for Spring eggs who could send some for the Easter hatchalong set date of 3/9? When I signed up the girls were laying well and my plan was to set some of my own but now that they are promised to someone they've gotten pretty lazy about it. Why does it always happen like this? lol If not I might have to withdraw since I am currently banned by DH to spend any money on eggs right now and since I don't have eggs to swap, that precludes being able to swap altogether.
Do I owe you any?
Why not take the money you were spending on cigarettes and put it in a jar. Think of something that you really, really want and make a label for the jar with that on it. Every time you feel the urge to light up go pick up the jar and remind yourself that your goal is one step closer with every cigarette you don't have. My in law's quit smoking years ago and they stashed all the money in a coffee can. After 6 months they were able to buy a new big screen tv and sound system to go along with it.
I would take that money and go haywire on RBA's!
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