Hatching Eggs / Paypal CHAT Thread

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Luck to you!

Today will be a hard day for me. Hubbie and I are quitting smoking. I have quit before, but he always cave's and then I do too. I want to remain smoke free this time. I'm not using any gum, patches, or anything. My biggest reasons for stopping is health (mine and family) and wealth. I kind of do not see the point in buying gum or patches that cost more then a cheap carton or drugs that cost up to triple that amount. Anyway please keep us in your thoughts and prayers.
Yay! Good luck on quitting. Do you knit, crochet, quilt or any handcraft? Most of my friends that smoked and quit found it was good to keep their hands busy so they didn't want to do something else. Spend the money on a hobby and get something neat out of it! Or.... just get more chickens!!
REALLY?????? I really thought they would give me a hard time for being single. How's it going?
I may ask you for some stories too. DH has issues with adopting. Some of his high school friends were adopted and they were all issue ladened. It scared him and he is really reluctant. But times a wasting so we have to do something.
This has been one very hard day and the next few will be worse. Reading all your stories has been heart wrenching and heart warming. You've made a tough day feel like their we're others there too. I would hug every one of you and do things to make you all smile if I could. I have some yummy chocolate rum cake that I would share with each and every one of you.

Our loss was on feb 23. Each year as it approaches I struggle to get through. Memories are sacred things and those of you that have shared those have helped. Those of you that have offered comfort or an ear are the arms that give us hugs. My loss like others I'm sure is still held tightly not that I don't want to share. It's just that's all I have left. The pain reminds me that it was real where others have forgotten.

Thanks for sharing, thanks for listening, thanks for not judging, thanks for caring. You have all made a difference.
Ok, stop making me cry, i have to drive to work in a minute.
ok, so uumm I like pretty and a blues and lavenders so talk to me about turkeys that could be of a pretty color?

Flocksalot so sorry for your loss
Turkeys can be AMAZING. my favorite colors were the Spanish black, such majestic birds. What we ended up with are royal palms. The one thing I will say is turkeys bond, so hand raise them unless you want to eat them. Our second hen, pumpkin is still shy of us, but stuffing thinks she is our toddler and is still FURIOUS she is not allowed inside on the couch. She will tell you she is, and will sit outside he window " with" me when I'm by the porch.

Stuffing STILL will not go in the coop, however. Both girls will, but he refuses. He will jump on my arm to be carried TO the coop ones it is dark, but that's all he will give me. I tell you its great exercises.
*sigh* so, apparently, I'm a nutters. Not that I didn't already KNOW this, but ugh. Went to take my turkey eggs to the new house, set them up in the bator all cozy, posted on facebook that they made it, then just had an anxiety attack. Like, are you kidding me? I'm a grown woman, have my own children and I'm terrified of being in a house alone if I'm not focused on doing something! Ugh. I get weird, so I know I'm going to have a problem being there at night if G isn't there and thekids are in bed. So, I had to fess up to him about being scared about something stupid.
I was going to tell you to bring a MP3 book on tape . Pay to join a library that has a REALLY big rental section on line and use those suckers all the time. But you already say you use noise, so it may or may not help. The great thing about mp3 rentals is they cant be late, there is no line for them, and if the library buys a subscription they have a ton of them so you can pick and choose. I did it constantly when i was in downtown and could hear it from every part of the house. Now my phone has lousy speakers and I cant abide having crap on my ears, so it doesn't work as well in the big house .
Luck to you!

Today will be a hard day for me. Hubbie and I are quitting smoking. I have quit before, but he always cave's and then I do too. I want to remain smoke free this time. I'm not using any gum, patches, or anything. My biggest reasons for stopping is health (mine and family) and wealth. I kind of do not see the point in buying gum or patches that cost more then a cheap carton or drugs that cost up to triple that amount. Anyway please keep us in your thoughts and prayers.
Both my parents FINALLY quit smoking, after quitting for 6 months every year for I don't know how long. MY mom used the fake cigerette, and it worked becuse she HATED IT. It spoiled the ritual of the thing and she could finally kick it. The physical part isn't terrible, but the emotional one is killer. Good luck!! I'm excited for you.

Thank you for all the encouraging stories, ill tackle DH again this week after he is done with the refinancing paperwork. ( looks like we could be saving 400 a month with refi! WOOHOOO) Only one stressful topic at a time....
Good morning! I have had lots of reading to do to catch up! I have so many things I want to comment on….I just don’t think I’ll remember it all.

For all of you who have lost children, I am deeply sorry for your losses. My greatest fear is to lose one of my children; I have nightmares about it. I have seen the agony that families go through. My friend lost his 4 year old son last year after a 3 year battle with Leukemia, and my husband’s friend lost both his young children in a house fire. Devastating. I hope you are all having more good days than bad.

For all of you who are trying to have children, don’t lose hope. J I have 2 short stories for you. My cousin tried to conceive for 8 years. She went through nearly every expensive fertility treatment to no avail. She told me about a year ago that she had finally made peace with the fact that she wouldn’t be a mother. Four weeks later, she was pregnant. I now have a beautiful, healthy 4 month old godson! We have a friend with a similar story. Years of fertility treatments and the doctors gave them little to no hope. They made peace with it and decided to adopt. In the middle of the adoption process, she found out she was pregnant. Her daughter is 8 months old and she’s pregnant again. See? Two situations that the doctors said were impossible….

Thank you to those of you who have adopted children. A good friend of mine was adopted and we have friends who have adopted. I have seen how beautiful it is!

I hope everyone’s sick children are feeling better. My oldest is back in school today; my 9 yr old is still home.

Sorry, Aye, that your local turkey eggs were infertile. Boo! Puglady – if you are getting good hatches at home, it is something on the other end. No worries. Congrats everyone on all the hatching babies and the newborn kid!

I know I have missed a ton…
Get a shock collar. When I first got my pit bull, he killed 6 chickens in one swipe. His total got up to about 10 before I got the "collar of shame". I turned that baby up to 10 and let him have it. He sits there just like that dog in the picture, trying not to make eye contact with the chickens while they eat his food. You have to be consistent with the collar, but after a week or so, you too can have a dog that won't go after your chickens. I used a brand called "Sportdog" its waterproof, which comes in really handy.
Yep, that's what I did along with a very loud shout of "Those are Mama's Chickie's" the first year. Now he is like a big Chickie daddy. In fact, last year he somehow found a lost duckling from a nest by our pond. He brought it, gently, into the house and left it on my bed. Literally, not a feather out of place. I was brooding in the house at the time and I guess he thought that any squeaking fowl must be one of "Mama's Chickie's". I have never, ever seen anything as crazy as that. Nobody believes me, but I swear it's true. I still wouldn't leave him alone with them....he is a Jack Russell after all. He is scared to death of my Tom. I think he has taught him a very healthy level of respect for birds. Now the three dogs (all under 15 pounds) and my turkey hens play fetch together in the yard with cherry tomatoes. I have video of this...I will try to post. It's why we call my RP hen Rover!
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Yep, that's what I did along with a very loud shout of "Those are Mama's Chickie's" the first year.  Now he is like a big Chickie daddy.  In fact, last year he somehow found a lost duckling from a nest by our pond.  He brought it, gently, into the house and left it on my bed.  Literally, not a feather out of place.  I was brooding in the house at the time and I guess he thought that any squeaking fowl must be one of "Mama's Chickie's".  I have never, ever seen anything as crazy as that.  Nobody believes me, but I swear it's true.  I still wouldn't leave him alone with them....he is a Jack Russell after all.  He is scared to death of my Tom.  I think he has taught him a very healthy level of respect for birds.  Now the three dogs (all under 15 pounds) and my turkey hens play fetch together in the yard with cherry tomatoes.  I have video of this...I will try to post.  It's why we call my RP hen Rover!  :lau

I believe it! I once looked out the window to see a fox carrying off one of my chickens limp in its mouth. I let the dogs out yelling "go get it". I was meaning for them to chase the fox and he did. However when the dog came back maybe 15minutes later he was carrying the chicken and softly dropped her on the porch. I was amazed that the dog knew that chicken was mine and didn't just eat it himself.
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