Hatching Eggs / Paypal CHAT Thread

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I just get blank maps when I go to the links
(they are all the same, BTW). But it sounds like you will be coming close to me, at least on the way back. I live halfway between Cincinnati and Louisville, not too far off I-71.
I am in East Central Indiana
Morning Madam,
I'm considering buying a couple of sweeter heaters, but I'm not sure they'll do the job. Have you used them before ? If not could you keep us posted on what you think of them ??

Good morning everyone!!! I am dragging today. Darn DST.

The sweeter heater is a bust. No one chick is using it. So I'll be putting a heat lamp out there today.

They seem to work best with chicks if there is a distinct light and dark space (dark under the heater). I have noticed the chicks dont pile up under them like other heat sources, but are still kept very warm and comfy
COF - Do you use the sweeter heaters or eco-glos ?? I am looking for a SAFER heat source, then the brooder heat lamps. Any advice on how to use them would be greatly appreciated. Thay are a bit $$$$, and don't want to waste my money.
Sent eggs to rbaker for a side swap. Tracking number is9505510138893071589784

Go and grow you little turkeys!

And you ladies from LA are coming up soon! Spreading just a little bit of turkey love.

Can't remember who had a turkey riding the rails, but my turkeys must of heard. I walked into the kitchen to get a glass of water. Glanced at one of the bators. There's a pip. Lockdown WAS tomorrow. Checked the eggs as I moved them and they were all but one internally pipped. The one had quit. These are White Hollands that I got from Celie from LA and some midgets. I'm gonna have turkeys that I get to keep this time! Yeah!
My friend has for sale

Okay thanks I still have like 35- 1 month old birds to get rid of, Welsummers, RIR, Blue Andies and Buff Brahma X Light Brahama and Buff Brahama and Buff Orpington X

She ships and does a GREAT job packing. Let me know and I'll hook you up.
I just get blank maps when I go to the links
(they are all the same, BTW). But it sounds like you will be coming close to me, at least on the way back. I live halfway between Cincinnati and Louisville, not too far off I-71.
same here....see no route
CPL - Have you been to the swap in Troy, OH? Is it worth a 2.5 hr. drive. It seems quite interesting, nothing like that up around here.
I just get blank maps when I go to the links
(they are all the same, BTW). But it sounds like you will be coming close to me, at least on the way back. I live halfway between Cincinnati and Louisville, not too far off I-71.
Crap! I don't know how to fix that....

Lets try this one:
My route on the way there:

On the way home:


You could make just a slight detour through Wisconsin to Minneapolis
. It's not very far..... really.......
LOL no. If I'm going to WI its to see family in Milwaukee
it was gorgeous here today...after lunch. before lunch it was raining buckets.

I actually went down to the lower goat pen and sat in the hammock for a while watching the goats eat. until they decided to mug me for cookies. dang goats are relentless!
You could make just a slight detour through Wisconsin to Minneapolis :fl .  It's not very far.....  really....... 

Ya, I vote detour too! Kristy I think we are in the back woods or something. Nobody wants to come see us. I'd use a pout smiley here but I need to get some apps for that.
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