Hatching Eggs / Paypal CHAT Thread

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khakis are rotten and nervous and it takes a good long while to calm them down. We brood all ducks with muscovy ducklings now and they are very mellow. The SA will calm when the Khaki are gone, but will take some time. The khakis as juveniles teach the SA to get up and forage more lol.

We feed all Mazuri,
starter 20% (http://www.mazuri.com/mazuriwaterfowlsarter.aspx )
matenance 14% (http://www.mazuri.com/mazuriwaterfowlmaintenance.aspx )

as soon as I see the wing blood feathers starting I switch them over. Thats for ducks and geese alike.

goose hatching eggs...............dont treat them like chicken eggs
they NEED to be on their sides the entire time.
the SHOULD be hand turned

from day 7 to lock down they should be cooled daily and misted with warm water to aid in the cooling effect (10 -20 minutes longer as you get further into incubation)

oh oh oh

once in lockdown LEAVE THEM ALONE

dont touch

dont open

dont mess

they take FOREVER and then take alittle longer to fully hatch
Thank you! I got a LG on Monday just for goose eggs. It has been right on with temp-but I have had pretty good rates with the LG before.
Quote: Can you tell Rachael is a little stressed?

My husband has a drinking buddy coming to town tomorrow, and staying for almost a week... I am so not looking forward it. I am actually seriously dreading it. Seriously.

Not that I have a problem with the guy. I like him, in small doses, and when I used to drink a lot, he was a riot. I don't drink that much anymore, I hate having hangovers and I don't like the kids to be around it.
So, I have to look forward to my husband and said pal drinking every night. Not only that, but my husband works every day until Sunday, I have to host this guy for two/three days... I am not a good host to someone that is not my own guest. He is also bringing his female dog, which is scary to me, because of our dumb 1 year old unfixed boy dog, and if the dog is good with my kids and my chickens.

Sooooooooo not looking forward to this

Does anyone know the cheapest place to get Denagard online?
I just ordered from Valley Vet-it was $39.95 each, but $14.32 for shipping. I ordered two for $94.22 with shipping. It was ordered on Friday and got here Monday.
Quote: Me too!
Just met Herducks. Too bad we couldn't chat longer, but she got on the road later than expected and still had a drive ahead of her before calling it a night. Hopefully, we can get coffee or lunch when she comes back through. CPL and BM6, you have a Lavender Orp (50% English) and a Silkie on the way.
What color is it-splash?
Ok I. Have like a MILLION things to do before the HERDUCKS train gets here. Make boxes. Sort chicks have a panic attack that I am going to forget something.
So you are on here WHY?
That is an oxymoron if I ever heard one.

I can put enough in a waterproof container and ship it priority to you if you just want a small amount. The gallon is still concentrated and will do a large amount. I'd have to check to see how long its good when its mixed.
That is an oxymoron if I ever heard one.

I can put enough in a waterproof container and ship it priority to you if you just want a small amount enough to at least make a gallon anyway. The gallon is still concentrated and will do a large amount. I'd have to check to see how long its good when its mixed.
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I am settled in at the red roof in coldwater, MI it is supposed to get into the teens tonight, a little too cold to sleep in my truck even with 3 dogs to keep it warm! Chickens were making happy chirpy noises when I checked on them!
lol i know everyone likes my orps, i just dont have current egg laying capabilities like madam yet. Maybe once they move into their own hacienda they will like it better and it will speed things along. Even though the orps aarent even 5 months yet. But the rhodebars, GCM and SFH, and a cpl of the Isbars are....

on the isbars!! come on eggies!!!
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