Hatching Eggs / Paypal CHAT Thread

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I just called the PO and they told me the eggs to brkuk where delivered. Hm.
I shipped them on the 6th, that's a long time for eggs to be sitting before development.
I know you feel guilty and like you "should do something". However shipping hatching is a risk, and we all assume the risk when we swap as well. The fact that you replaced a non-paid for set of eggs says a lot. You dont owe anything else at this point, you full fileld the swap with the first box you shipped, and were kind enough to reship because of broken eggs thanks to the USPS. if someone is swapping and expecting all shipments to be replaced if any are broke, or if the USPS looses and or delays a box they need to STOP swapping.

I got eggs from this swap and not a one was usable thanks to breaks, cracks and egg goo everywhere. Just the luck of the draw for me and those swaps.
Thats easy peasy.............. get NPIP certified and the rest falls into place for shipping live birds.

That is my goal this year. I have to stop bringing in birds for a while first, lol! I think I have almost everything here I want, although I am buying a bantam columbian Cochin roo this summer and I wouldn't turn my nose up at a few more CCL eggs.....
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Okay, I have a question. What causes cross beak? Especially in one breed. I put down my 5th Partridge Barthuhner today for cross beak. Looking at the bunch I just got last week and there is one in there that needs to be put down. Not one issue in any of the other breeds I have running around.
I will have to give this a try.

Am I the only person who hasn't heard of "cooler corn"?
As an obsessive food nerd, you'd expect that I would have at least heard of it, but over the weekend I was blind-sided by the simple genius of this method for cooking loads of corn on the cob perfectly.
I was hepped to it while visiting my family. Short story: We like corn on the cob. And with eight adults at the table, that means a couple of dozen ears. We would have used the lobster pot to cook them all, but the lobster pot was busy steaming lobster. "Let's do cooler corn!" Before I can ask "what the hell is cooler corn?" a Coleman cooler appears from the garage, is wiped clean, then filled with the shucked ears. Next, two kettles-full of boiling water are poured over the corn and the top closed.
Then nothing. When we sat down to dinner 30 minutes later and opened it, the corn was perfectly cooked. My mind was blown. And I'm told that the corn will remain at the perfect level of doneness for a couple of hours.
Turns out, Cooler Corn is pretty well known among the outdoorsy set But for those of us who avoid tents as much as possible, it's perfect for large barbecues and way less of mess than grilling. In fact, I may even buy another cooler just so I'm ready for next summer. Now that I'm in the know.
I will have to give this a try.

Am I the only person who hasn't heard of "cooler corn"?
As an obsessive food nerd, you'd expect that I would have at least heard of it, but over the weekend I was blind-sided by the simple genius of this method for cooking loads of corn on the cob perfectly.
I was hepped to it while visiting my family. Short story: We like corn on the cob. And with eight adults at the table, that means a couple of dozen ears. We would have used the lobster pot to cook them all, but the lobster pot was busy steaming lobster. "Let's do cooler corn!" Before I can ask "what the hell is cooler corn?" a Coleman cooler appears from the garage, is wiped clean, then filled with the shucked ears. Next, two kettles-full of boiling water are poured over the corn and the top closed.
Then nothing. When we sat down to dinner 30 minutes later and opened it, the corn was perfectly cooked. My mind was blown. And I'm told that the corn will remain at the perfect level of doneness for a couple of hours.
Turns out, Cooler Corn is pretty well known among the outdoorsy set But for those of us who avoid tents as much as possible, it's perfect for large barbecues and way less of mess than grilling. In fact, I may even buy another cooler just so I'm ready for next summer. Now that I'm in the know.
I read that on facebook one night. Sounds interesting.
The sheep trying to figure out why the chickens got fed first!

Getting out of the rain. We put a tarp over part of the run as well. Of course by the time we finished it stopped raining and the sun came out!

Went to a friends to do some duck herding and found these:

Somehow we still managed to get a little herding in.

Orp rooster, living in the horse trailer, but he will get some time tomorrow morning to peck around in the run. Such a pretty boy!

I tried to take pics of the other chicks as well but the battery died on my camera! I will get some tomorrow.
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