Hatching Eggs / Paypal CHAT Thread

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WARNING: Pictures of nature at its finest but some will find freaky! Please skip if you aren't fond of 8 legged creatures or continue on if you are curious!!!
For those who don't know what this is, this is my second largest tarantula molting his old clothes and putting on some new ones. I got to watch the whole process and yes, I also found out it's a boy!!!!

neat, freaky and disgusting all in one! I am scared to death of spiders.....
Since we are on the dog topic... My neighbor's foxhound or coonhoud has been coming around and messing with Nettie, my Nigerian Dwarf goat. He has been trying to play with her and... um... mount her. My husband has had to chase him off twice. Now, we are not violent and we don't own guns. We have warned the neighbors and none want to listen when it comes to keeping their dogs off our property. Someone turned us in when our dog got off his chain (3rd time in over a year, but first time he left our property) and I warned everyone then that the rules where going to change. I gave away my dog - I was not losing my birds for a mutt I didn't like anyways (I strongly dislike dogs, btw). I know it isn't exactly lethal, but we have a BB gun now. I will use it. I wanted a paintball gun... I wanted to see how everyone likes cleaning that off their dogs. There are 14 dogs from various owners that I have to chase off all the time. One has had my free range roosters in their mouths a couple of times and the other non-dog owning neighbor had to save them. I had to chase the neighbor's Pit away from our dog when we still had him. The neighbor diagonal from us has 3 small dogs that come over every day to crap in my yard. One they let out at all hours of the day and night. I just LOVE when they let her out at 2 or 4am and she comes over on my porch or right under my bedroom window and just sits there and barks for no darn reason! She is the reason my hatred for the neighbor's dogs started. I have tried to run her down with my truck through the yard twice - the last time I hit my satellite dish and decided using the truck as a lethal weapon may not be a good idea. =/

Dogs. I prefer cats. And chickens.
Quote: Well see it is not his fault..... he has a lot on his plate and I am supposed to keep the guinea on my land but his dogs can run EVERYONE'S property. Now they don't go to his place much and he has NEVER COMPLAINED that they ate his bugs. But when I complain that his dogs eat my GUINEA I am the bad guy to telling him to get some fence to keep them in so they will not get SHOT!
WARNING: Pictures of nature at its finest but some will find freaky! Please skip if you aren't fond of 8 legged creatures or continue on if you are curious!!!
For those who don't know what this is, this is my second largest tarantula molting his old clothes and putting on some new ones. I got to watch the whole process and yes, I also found out it's a boy!!!!

That was COOL!
Well see it is not his fault..... he has a lot on his plate and I am supposed to keep the guinea on my land but his dogs can run EVERYONE'S property. Now they don't go to his place much and he has NEVER COMPLAINED that they ate his bugs. But when I complain that his dogs eat my GUINEA I am the bad guy to telling him to get some fence to keep them in so they will not get SHOT!
When I first read the beginning of this I was like .... noooooooooooo!

Now that I have the willies... Off to my bed!
(That was really neat though. Thank you for sharing that. It was something I would never had seen, had you not)
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Since we are on the dog topic... My neighbor's foxhound or coonhoud has been coming around and messing with Nettie, my Nigerian Dwarf goat. He has been trying to play with her and... um... mount her. My husband has had to chase him off twice. Now, we are not violent and we don't own guns. We have warned the neighbors and none want to listen when it comes to keeping their dogs off our property. Someone turned us in when our dog got off his chain (3rd time in over a year, but first time he left our property) and I warned everyone then that the rules where going to change. I gave away my dog - I was not losing my birds for a mutt I didn't like anyways (I strongly dislike dogs, btw). I know it isn't exactly lethal, but we have a BB gun now. I will use it. I wanted a paintball gun... I wanted to see how everyone likes cleaning that off their dogs. There are 14 dogs from various owners that I have to chase off all the time. One has had my free range roosters in their mouths a couple of times and the other non-dog owning neighbor had to save them. I had to chase the neighbor's Pit away from our dog when we still had him. The neighbor diagonal from us has 3 small dogs that come over every day to crap in my yard. One they let out at all hours of the day and night. I just LOVE when they let her out at 2 or 4am and she comes over on my porch or right under my bedroom window and just sits there and barks for no darn reason! She is the reason my hatred for the neighbor's dogs started. I have tried to run her down with my truck through the yard twice - the last time I hit my satellite dish and decided using the truck as a lethal weapon may not be a good idea. =/

Dogs. I prefer cats. And chickens.

Me too but I am allergic to BOTH dogs and cats and horses. I used a car to try to run over my ex husband... I hit the concrete parking thing and it stopped me.... dang.
WARNING: Pictures of nature at its finest but some will find freaky!  Please skip if you aren't fond of 8 legged creatures or continue on if you are curious!!!

For those who don't know what this is, this is my second largest tarantula molting his old clothes and putting on some new ones.  I got to watch the whole process and yes, I also found out it's a boy!!!!

That is so cool! Creepy, but so cool!
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