Hatching Eggs / Paypal CHAT Thread

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Me too but I am allergic to BOTH dogs and cats and horses.  I used a car to try to run over my ex husband... I hit the concrete parking thing and it stopped me.... dang.  :p  

LOL! I used frying pans, ladles and fists. I am sure at some time I also used a vehicle... That idiot brought out the worst in me. So glad this one isn't nearly as bad. I swear he's going backwards in age, though.
Tarantulas are fascinating creatures.
Uh huh...sure...guess its nice there are some out there to love them
That was really the coolest thing I have seen. I actually wondered what it looked like for something to shed an exoskeleton. Nothing like a snake shedding... Which is pretty neat to watch to.

I don't know what to do Bout my dog. I am going to keep him away from the kids tomorrow until I decide. I would like to intensely Train him for the next couple g months, and have my 4 yet old learn how to train him too. However, I know I would be the only person in the house who would be vigilant about training, which is partial reason why we are here in the first place. I just can't do it by myself, when everyone interacts with him as well. I also have no idea what to do about it, so I can't train him without help. Tomorrow morning I will be doing some racy research and calling any dog trainer that will let me pick their brain about weather or not this is something we can work through under the circumstance, or if he can longer be a part of the family.
WARNING: Pictures of nature at its finest but some will find freaky!  Please skip if you aren't fond of 8 legged creatures or continue on if you are curious!!!

For those who don't know what this is, this is my second largest tarantula molting his old clothes and putting on some new ones.  I got to watch the whole process and yes, I also found out it's a boy!!!!

Beautiful tarantula. I've had a few in the past. A couple Antilles pink toes, curly hair, usambara orange baboon to name a few. My favorite was the curly hair, so fluffy!

Do you keep any others besides tarantulas? I also have a few (20) blue tongue skinks.
Well see it is not his fault..... he has a lot on his plate and I am supposed to keep the guinea on my land but his dogs can run EVERYONE'S property.  Now they don't go to his place much and he has NEVER COMPLAINED that they ate his bugs.  But when I complain that his dogs eat my GUINEA I am the bad guy to telling him to get some fence to keep them in so they will not get SHOT!

Well then shoot away at his dogs. My dad used to used saltpeter on the neighbors dogs. Everything they came marauding he shot em. Eventually they figured it out and stayed away. I have no problems with using force to protect your property. If it were my kid he had better show a little more respect if he didn't want his rear end handed to him.

You could always trap the dogs and drop them off at the animal shelter. He would end up getting fines for having animals at large.
WARNING: Pictures of nature at its finest but some will find freaky! Please skip if you aren't fond of 8 legged creatures or continue on if you are curious!!!
For those who don't know what this is, this is my second largest tarantula molting his old clothes and putting on some new ones. I got to watch the whole process and yes, I also found out it's a boy!!!!

I really hate spiders but I can't help but look. I didn't know tarantulas molted -creepy at the same time really neat. But I won't kid you those fangs really scare the h-e-double hockey sticks out of me!! It's not a rational fear but it's there. It's kinda weird for me I can deal with them one moment and then in the next I just can't even breathe.
I told my hubby we could take them to Memphis and drop them off there
He would get them locally just to spite me. My neighbor is on alert now and will probably take care of the issues for everyone. Just a guess but I would not blame them. They have chickens, cats, dogs, goats and guinea. They also have a GLD, but I think they have made friends so no real threat from her.
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