Hatching Eggs / Paypal CHAT Thread

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Okay so tomorrow going out will be strawberries to ssterling, rasp canes to corancher, eggs for the wygs march mystery and buff favs to someone who I have to go back and look for earlier in the week oh and maybe debs_flock I'm not sure I have her address or if she wants extra for side swap.
you forgot bourbon to me and bbq and bacon
I have a question... I think I know the answer but wanted a second opinion really. In my Blue Barred Rock pen I have 2 hens that are about 2 years old (planning to sell them with their other 2 sisters) but my question is about the pullets I have in the pen. They have been laying some not much because of the weather and I have some new BETTER pullets growing out that might be 2 months from laying... the QUESTION is Keep the ones already laying till the new ones start laying or just sell them and wait on the new pullet? I am feeding double the mouths for that pen and that is fine... just really not sure what to do. BTW the eggs are not fertile so I can't sell them anyway
I think that is weather related. These heritage birds are ODD fellows.
If the eggs aren't fertile, and are of no use other than eating, I would sell the older pullets and feed the better pullets, unless of course, you sell the eggs for eating or your family eat alot of eggs (which we don't)...that's just my 2 cents
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If the eggs aren't fertile, and are of no use other than eating, I would sell the older pullets and feed the better pullets, unless of course, you sell the eggs for eating or your family eat alot of eggs (which we don't)...that's just my 2 cents

That is kinda the way I am leaning. I need to evaluate the new pullets and see when I think they will start laying. I may have a couple that are nearly ready and a couple that are close. Tomorrow hubby is not going to the farm so I will have some time to really look everyone over. I really need to sell some birds and cut the feed bill and raise some feed money
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