Hatching Eggs / Paypal CHAT Thread

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That's what I used, my husband's scissors. All nice and clean.
Good morning! i love the bug catcher!

I am loving having 2 ducklings this time. Last time I had 16, too many to do much with. Now with 2 I have them bathing in the kitchen sink
They are having a blast!! Happy ducklings!

The serama crowing this morning is crazy! I have 5 serama roosters and 1 silkie rooster in the house competing for loudest crower.

I need to set up a couple more serama pens. One of the hens from CPL laid an egg for me yesterday on the way home!

Today I will get everyone set up and settled in. I will be playing with chicks and ducks all day!
Good Morning, Happy Chicken People!

Good morning! I have new peeps running around in the bator this morning. SFH, OE and my one special little bantam SL Cochin. 3 SFH eggs still not pipped, but I will give them another day or so.

Working on our arks today so these peeps have a home! I can finally see our yard again, which must mean we are due for more snow....
all..........happy day before Easter

congrats to all with new hatchlings. Woke up to 7 new FW Muscovy, a bunch of chicks and more geese. (Sebbie and dewlap in buff and grey). We are open today, and I am predicting a very busy day ahead.
Madam I have a question for you that's arachnid based. Now I quite like spiders BUT DH just found a VERY large hobo spider in te entrance to our garage from our kitchen which we use constantly. Is it something you think we should get a pest person out to inspect? I just don't want my very curious 3 year old or my almost 1 year old getting bitten.
If you are sure it's a hobo spider, I would kill it. I would think you could find some type of spray at home depot or walmart. At least that's what we would do. Or take an old broom to knock the web down and watch for the spider. How large are we talking?
Hello happy chicken friends- just wanted to share my newest great find

I'm sure everyone is having the same problem as me keeping chicks separated during lockdown

I'm currently hatching in my Hovabator and placing similar eggs in separate baskets for the hatch. Problem is the tallest basket I can get to fit in the Hovabator in no match for my Ameraucanas and Olive Eggers. I swear those guys hit the ground running. I think they even have the pecking order established before they hit the brooder- lol crazy chickens.

So check it out- found these really cool bug catcher toys in my local drug store. They were 3 dollars each

Works great! Here are the little convicts

Great "repurpose" on the bug boxes!!

It looks like you have taken the handle off this one......will it fit inside your incubator with the handle on? Is the local drug store a national chain?
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Breat "repurpose" on the bug boxes!!

It looks like you have taken the handle off this one......will it fit inside your incubator with the handle on? Is the local drug store a national chain?

Morning everyone

The bug boxes fit it the incubator fine with the handle on I just took it off for better viewing. The handle pops right off no problem. I got them at CVS, they were in the cheap Easter toy section lol.
Thanks! I'll be checking my CVS......got some Bantam
Chocolate Orps from madam and want to keep the black hen's eggs separate from the choco hen's eggs. Those seem to be the perfect size!
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