Hatching Eggs / Paypal CHAT Thread

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Has anyone been a stay at home mom, not worked in a year and had to dig up references?! I've worked at two places. Both have closed. I'm kind of at a loss, because I need WORKING references! They need to be supervisors, no less. How do you figure it out and how do you explain that you just haven't worked in a year because you can't afford daycare?! I mean, they're going to automatically assume that you're lazy or whatever because you have been "sitting at home" for a year, not even any volunteer work.
I have a chick that hatched last week that is driving me crazy. All it does is chirp non stop. Everyone else is fine, but it constantly chirps. Nothing appears to be wrong with it, but it won't shut up. Even as it sleeps which is rare it chirps. It's like a cricket when you are trying to go to sleep. Any ideas besides killing it? I want to because something is obviously wrong with it, but my son wants to wait. I looks heathy enough, eats drinks, and CHIRPS the whole time. Doesn't appear to be cold or hot. It's just really obnoxious. It's like listening to a baby crying and wondering when the parent is going to take care of it. It brings out all the motherly protective responses, but I can't seem to figure out what is wrong! Oh my god I think I have a colicky chick!
I have a chick that hatched last week that is driving me crazy. All it does is chirp non stop. Everyone else is fine, but it constantly chirps. Nothing appears to be wrong with it, but it won't shut up. Even as it sleeps which is rare it chirps. It's like a cricket when you are trying to go to sleep. Any ideas besides killing it? I want to because something is obviously wrong with it, but my son wants to wait. I looks heathy enough, eats drinks, and CHIRPS the whole time. Doesn't appear to be cold or hot. It's just really obnoxious. It's like listening to a baby crying and wondering when the parent is going to take care of it. It brings out all the motherly protective responses, but I can't seem to figure out what is wrong! Oh my god I think I have a colicky chick!
If had a chick like that. After a few weeks it was fine.
I know of many moms that have taken time off to stay home and returned to work. Just make a point of saying you made the choice to stay home and have decided to return to work now that your children are older (some employers, though they can not say it, are happy to hire someone who will not be out on maternity leave...of course, they may also be the ones that cringe at the idea you may need time off for a sick child). List the old jobs and supervisors, even if they are no longer in business, it will give them something as a work history. If you have to, get a part-time job or volunteer to get something current for your application.
that you will be successful in your search for employment!
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Has anyone been a stay at home mom, not worked in a year and had to dig up references?! I've worked at two places. Both have closed. I'm kind of at a loss, because I need WORKING references! They need to be supervisors, no less. How do you figure it out and how do you explain that you just haven't worked in a year because you can't afford daycare?! I mean, they're going to automatically assume that you're lazy or whatever because you have been "sitting at home" for a year, not even any volunteer work.

Well I was laid off in 2008 and because of my back and leg injury I've been told by employers that I'm a danger to their other employees. I fall alot because of my neuropathy. Anyway if I were still looking for work I would just say I took some time to be a parent. Some employers may be unreasonable about tht, but others will totally understand.

There is absolutely nothing wrong or lazy about raising your children. Anyone that has raised children know that daycare is uber expensive and they may also have some experience in the stayed at home part. Either they may have themselves, they're spouse may have, or they may have wanted too.

Use the references that you do have from previous jobs and explain employment gaps when asked, but be proud of what you did. Raising kids takes a ton of work, creativity, organization, physical and emotional strength. It's never an easy job, but it is rewarding. Plus the little twerps don't come with SOPs and never do things the simple way.
Ok, on RBA---- I have no idea if I am wrong but, there is not a partridge appenzeller barthuhner, and I am pretty sure they didn't buy them like that from GFF either.

2 Live Partridge Appenzeller Barthuhner Chicks from GFF and NPIP!

from reading this ad- I am thinking it needs reported
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Ok, on RBA---- I have no idea if I am wrong but, there is not a partridge appenzeller barthuhner, and I am pretty sure they didn't buy them like that from GFF either.

2 Live Partridge Appenzeller Barthuhner Chicks from GFF and NPIP!

from reading this ad- I am thinking it needs reported
There is a Partridge Barthuhner and they would have gotten them from GFF. I have about 15 chicks running around with more coming next week.
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Fortunately this is for school, so at least it's not a work reference, lol. Since the reference form is the exact one as the old school, I might just call the new school and see if I can have the old school fax my old references to the new school... or would that look lazy on my part? It'd be the same thing, since I left for school after I got those references. I just can't find my old supervisors anymore!
Ok, on RBA---- I have no idea if I am wrong but, there is not a partridge appenzeller barthuhner, and I am pretty sure they didn't buy them like that from GFF either.

2 Live Partridge Appenzeller Barthuhner Chicks from GFF and NPIP!

from reading this ad- I am thinking it needs reported
I really don't see someone buying just 2 chicks though. Especially unsexed chicks.
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