Hatching Eggs / Paypal CHAT Thread

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Great Idea!!!!  She is just like an angel. I think I will name her Gabriel and call her Gabby:

Gabriel:  Angelic Messenger

Gabriel, an archangel and one of the two highest ranking angels in Judeo-Christian and Islamic lore. Her name means "strength of God". She is a unique archangel in the sense that it is almost certain she is the only female angel in the higher echelons, although some believe there are no female angels. Gabriel fosters joy, truth, justice and love. She grants wisdom in interpreting our dreams and visions.

Awe my little grand turkey gabby.

We have an Ameracauna named Abigail. She's always going around making these crabby noises, so we call her crabby Abby. She's really just so sweet and loves to get picked up.

I hope your gabby doesn't turn crabby.

My little week olds were just a strutting today. I think that is just the cutest thing in this world.
The raccoons and possums just stopped caring that there is anything out there. We have a dog on a run, they learned to walk around him. We have a donkey. They avoid him. We have geese in the outermost runs, they leave them alone and kill everything else around them. It's just a losing battle. They just kill birds for the fun of it. I hate the buggers and I'm sick and tired of fighting so hard to get so far behind.

A trap, a few cans of cheap catfood and SSS.

Been there, done that (raccoons & opossums, fortunately no skunks yet).
Congrats, the obsession begins as NOTHING compares to the weep weep of a gosling

Dont get offended, but while they are a project I am going to stay rather tight lipped on what we plan to use to further the color/pattern/project along for now. I feel its in the best interest for color/pattern at this time
Absolutely none taken.. I'm just trying to understand genetics better so was curious...

I asked Uncle Google and he didn't know.. :) Can you elaborate?

I have 5 hens trying to be broody, 3 of them are bantam cochins, one has been broody before, tried moving them and they almost broke....
I need a broody barn, lol
Good Morning, Happy Chicken People!

Hubby has finished the first breeding pen. The coop needs painting, but I'm going to put some birds in for a test run first, in case it needs changes. Aside from the legs of treated wood, the coop is made of salvaged lumber, so that makes me happy!

Krafty's roo is still growing. He's huge and beautiful and gentle as they come. She is going to just stand there open-mouthed when she sees him. Gorgeous! One more leg on the Chicken Train still to go!

My condolences to those of you with losses. It's always hard when you do your best and things happen anyway.

We finally got our chicken houses fox-proofed, after several dig-ins. Took 2 x 4 woven wire, and cut a strip about two feet wide. Left four inch cut ends on one side, and bent them up at a 45 degree angle. Buried it around the edge of the building, leaving enough out to staple to the building. Foxes tried digging under the first night. Dug until they stabbed feet on those bent prongs. Stopped, moved over a foot and tried again. Stopped when they stabbed their feet, and bit and pulled at the wire, but the staples were too close together, so they couldn't pull it off. They haven't tried since, although I got hit hard one night I forgot to lock up. That tells me they still run checks. But they can't get in. :D

Enjoy your day!
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G'morning peeps!!! Another beautiful day. We got the bantam orp pen/coop finished yesterday. Now to move their butts in today and hopefully break my 3 broody hens. Don't they know I need eggs to fill swaps? Silly girls. I believe the broodiness is spreading. It's an epidemic around here. Now one blue copper Marans hen is broody and I swear my Splash Marans was acting broody yesterday as well. Eggs ladies, I need eggs.

Going to start working on the Bantam Wyandotte pen/coop after work today since the White Bresse pen/coop is on hold until the new panels come in. Busy time.
For those I owe CCL eggs to, I am collecting eggs to set for a customer and will get back to filling swaps as soon as I have enough to set. Have to be able to feed these ladies.
Good Morning Everyone! Hope everyone has been doing well. I guess everyone is like me and has lots to do now that warmer weather is here. Hubby built 8 more coops and runs for new chicks. Not having much luck deciding which ones I want to keep and which ones that will have to go. :D it's a hard decision but I have too many. I'm feeding a bag of food every 2 days!! Hope everyone has a Great Day....
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