Hatching Eggs / Paypal CHAT Thread

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Good Morning Everyone! Hope everyone has been doing well. I guess everyone is like me and has lots to do now that warmer weather is here. Hubby built 8 more coops and runs for new chicks. Not having much luck deciding which ones I want to keep and which ones that will have to go.
it's a hard decision but I have too many. I'm feeding a bag of food every 2 days!! Hope everyone has a Great Day....
Good gracious, that is a lot of feed!
Okay so after extensive research I have found that . . .
I will be needing 5 moscovy duck eggs. If they eat bugs half as well as half of the books I read say they do they will be a most welcome addition to my 2 1/2 acres of mosquito infested farmstead
Already ordered a larger incubator to accommodate them.
Side swap for jam or salmon?
Okay so after extensive research I have found that . . .
I will be needing 5 moscovy duck eggs. If they eat bugs half as well as half of the books I read say they do they will be a most welcome addition to my 2 1/2 acres of mosquito infested farmstead
Already ordered a larger incubator to accommodate them.
Side swap for jam or salmon?
we have french whites I would gladly swap with you for. They are good buggers and EXCELLENT roasting ducks too

morning all
I don't want to know how much feed I'm going through! Hmmmm.....for the adults, three bags lasts about two weeks, I think. There's 27 of them, but they free range, so mostly just use the pellets for "topping off". The calves eat about a bag a week, plus hay. The chicks are where I use food. Six bags every two weeks at the moment. Obviously those dynamics will be changing. I don't have a current count of chicks.

Do not count your chickens before they lay!
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Over the winter we go through 1 bag of layer a day, but now with no snow covering its been cut in half. As the season progresses I will only feed those that are penned, but still giving a scoop or two to each layer house in the evening.

The turkeys, ducks and geese would eat one bag over a week and a half over the winter.

We supplement with hay. We sell eating eggs and extra roosters to pay for the feed. They have to be self supporting or they would dwindle in numbers until they did. The only problem we have is the egg theft. We go from 7 1/2 dozen a day to 6 eggs if I'm gone, and we know its two legged preds since they have left car and foot tracks over the winter.

We have a lot of birds. I'm thinking I should ask the kiddo how many chickens, but I might not really want to hear the answer. Thankfully they spread and free range all year all over the farm. Otherwise the poop cleanup would be a nightmare.
Hiya everyone!!! Its been a while sinceIve been on here because I HAVE to stay away from the swaps!! Lol at least until Ive collected and hatched everything due to me! Haha...Im in need of HELP PLEASE...I have an opportunity to get free animal food....we use this food at work to feed mice...the expiration date is creeping up and we need to toss it all...100+ bags...my thought was this...ferment this food with ACV and feed WITH a seperate container of 24/7 available layer pellets...this would be supplimental for the next 6-8 months while they free range...do any of you people who have alot of feed knowledge see anything in the ingredients listed that could harm my birds?? Any info would be great!!!

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Hiya everyone!!! Its been a while sinceIve been on here because I HAVE to stay away from the swaps!! Lol at least until Ive collected and hatched everything due to me! Haha...Im in need of HELP PLEASE...I have an opportunity to get free animal food....we use this food at work to feed mice...the expiration date is creeping up and we need to toss it all...100+ bags...my thought was this...ferment this food with ACV and feed WITH a seperate container of 24/7 available layer pellets...this would be supplimental for the next 6-8 months while they free range...do any of you people who have alot of feed knowledge see anything in the ingredients listed that could harm my birds?? Any info would be great!!!

Looks like it has the basics of chicken food. Looks like more minerals and vitamins than most of the feed I have. I am by far not an expert but, I can't see as to why you couldn't feed it to your chickens. I don't know if I would ferment it.. it looks as though the protein level is already high enough.
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