Hatching Eggs / Paypal CHAT Thread

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I have eggs from the old swap still due, but I don't worry too much about it. At least with them being spaced out, it's giving me time to do cages and such and not totally overwhelm the bators with double stacking. Plus, I have three soap/candle orders to go out and my inventory is rather dry at the moment. After the one, I'm done for awhile, because I have sales and a store inventory to keep full! But, it has been fun. Maybe once all my dues are sent and received, I'll pop back in to see what else I can nab.
For everyone - If you have the time to let me know what swaps are still owed, even and maybe especially if you are in no hurry for them, it may help ease the situation some. The list of eggs owed for "spring" is quite extensive from quite a few swappers. It can be daunting to look at it and think "Oh my gosh, how am I ever going to get all these out in time?!?
" especially when the inbox fills up with requests. I know the simple act of putting current eggs up for swap is enough to stop my hens from laying - I swear they have internet in the coop!
But if I can find out those who are willing to wait until the later dates, perhaps we can get those that really would like them sooner to the top of the list and create a best case scenario. I have quite a few swaps claimed myself for spring eggs, but due to my situation, I have requested that they not be filled until the end of June or later, so no need to worry about this moderator.
I think with a little coordination and a bit of patience we can all come out O.K.
Hi all

I just wanted to stop and update everyone. I have not Disappeared. I'm still here taking care of the chickens. I have been sick and in the hospital a few times. My father in law has been sick, we are also in the middle of moving to the farm so we have been having to take care of the chickens at 2 locations.

I have 252 new PM's I am trying to get to them all a few a day.

BM6 just picked up about 10 dozen eggs from me to ship out. I have 65 laying hens so as you can imagine eggs pile up really quickly here.

Please don't PM BM6 if you have an issue with me, it is not fair to her nor does she deserve it.

Please be patient with me I am very sorry that I have not been able to answer you individually. I am not going anywhere I will make sure everyone gets their eggs/chicks. I have 500 eggs in the bator due a week from next Monday, I will be contacting people. For chicks soon.

I just really appreciate your patience, everytime I think there can't be anything else, something else happens health wise and family wise, I'm only human and I'm doing my best.

Thank you all for understanding.

Hi all

I just wanted to stop and update everyone. I have not Disappeared. I'm still here taking care of the chickens. I have been sick and in the hospital a few times. My father in law has been sick, we are also in the middle of moving to the farm so we have been having to take care of the chickens at 2 locations.

I have 252 new PM's I am trying to get to them all a few a day.

BM6 just picked up about 10 dozen eggs from me to ship out. I have 65 laying hens so as you can imagine eggs pile up really quickly here.

Please don't PM BM6 if you have an issue with me, it is not fair to her nor does she deserve it.

Please be patient with me I am very sorry that I have not been able to answer you individually. I am not going anywhere I will make sure everyone gets their eggs/chicks. I have 500 eggs in the bator due a week from next Monday, I will be contacting people. For chicks soon.

I just really appreciate your patience, everytime I think there can't be anything else, something else happens health wise and family wise, I'm only human and I'm doing my best.

Thank you all for understanding.


Here is where I need that turkey hugging smilie. Sorry things are rough. Make sure you take good care of yourself too.
Hi all

I just wanted to stop and update everyone. I have not Disappeared. I'm still here taking care of the chickens. I have been sick and in the hospital a few times. My father in law has been sick, we are also in the middle of moving to the farm so we have been having to take care of the chickens at 2 locations.

I have 252 new PM's I am trying to get to them all a few a day.

BM6 just picked up about 10 dozen eggs from me to ship out. I have 65 laying hens so as you can imagine eggs pile up really quickly here.

Please don't PM BM6 if you have an issue with me, it is not fair to her nor does she deserve it.

Please be patient with me I am very sorry that I have not been able to answer you individually. I am not going anywhere I will make sure everyone gets their eggs/chicks. I have 500 eggs in the bator due a week from next Monday, I will be contacting people. For chicks soon.

I just really appreciate your patience, everytime I think there can't be anything else, something else happens health wise and family wise, I'm only human and I'm doing my best.

Thank you all for understanding.


Thank you for updating us on what is going on Rachael! I was afraid the chicken apocalypse had started at your place and they had overtaken you!

Best wishes on you getting everything lined out with your farms and family!
I know the simple act of putting current eggs up for swap is enough to stop my hens from laying - I swear they have internet in the coop!
That ain't no joke....I bet your hens and my hens share a Chickbook and Backyard People website...
My Sumatras were laying every day, then I put them up for swap and now the LF likes to poke holes in her eggs, and the Bantam just quit laying period....I have been able to collect one egg from each, but looks like I will be putting them in the inkie, cause they will be too old to ship!
Hi Rachael

Hope you and your FIL are both feeling better. It is no fun to be sick and having to care for others as well as a farm full of critters. I thought my 40 laying hens were a pain to gather the eggs from! Ugh. Get better soon and good luck on your move. Wish I was closer to help ya.
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