Hatching Eggs / Paypal CHAT Thread

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And at some point, I'm even going to clean my house.
o os, wy boter. it will only et dirty aain

LOLOL I need my letters back. some sentences are just not te same witout tem!!!!
Hello everyone, I just wanted to let you all know that I will answer any PMs as soon as I can. I have not been able to be on here for more than 5 minutes at a time for the last week. My days are going like this:

4:50 a.m. wake up and pack hubby's lunch and see him off at 5:30
6:30 wake Olivia and the younger 4 and get the little boys dressed and comb two girls and feed them breakfast
8:00 out the door to take Olivia to school
Head to Rachael's for the day (22 miles one way from here, 32 miles from school)
2:30 leave Rachael's to go back and get Olivia by 3
3:20 finally home for the day-feed and water all of the birds and cats and dog and rabbits (with "help" from the children)

start supper, work on laundry, cleaning, dishes, mending, helping with homework, supervising chores, cleaning brooders, and feeding the inside chicks.
7:30 is bedtime for the little ones
Finish up what I am trying to get done around the house
Finally collapse in bed around 10 p.m. when my hubby gets home

I have also had some pretty unexpected hits (personally and financially) in the last week as well, so I have been a little (or a lot) discouraged. Tuesday we went to the Columbus Zoo on a fieldtrip with the school, so that was also a huge day-we left at 8 a.m. and got back to the school at 8 p.m. It was perfect weather, though, and that is the nicest zoo I have ever seen. Very large, many animals with large enclosures, and very well-kept.

I just wanted to let you know that I am not ignoring anyone, I am just pretty overwhelmed with everything going on right now. Olivia's last day of school is two week from tomorrow, so that will be a major stress-reliever for me. She is the only one in school yet-Sophia starts next fall.
afternoon all

popping in quick before off to set a butt load of cyuga duck eggs that arrived yesterday lol Along with three sets of buff brahma, gold laced brahma, blue laced brahma and buff laced brahma too. Oh and goose eggs and Ancona eggs,

had a "surprise" color of sebbie hatch over night uummm will get a picture later

if it is a surprise color that means you might not need it right????
BM6!!!! Hello over there, nice to see you chatting if even for a second. Remember to toss in a hot bath once in awhile for yourself too

hope the ducklings arrived ok for CPL
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BM6!!!! Hello over there, nice to see you chatting if even for a second. Remember to toss in a hot bath once in awhile for yourself too

hope the ducklings arrived ok for CPL
One was dead-it was on it's back on top of the heatpack.
The rest were doing quite well, though. They are adorable!
That box was a mess to try to open, though!

A hot bath? What is that?
I vaguely remember something like that, but it has been quite a while!
Five minute showers are the new normal.

Lemonade is all grown up already, but I just had two more hatch over the weekend! One boy, one girl, from their markings anyway. There was a third one that tried to hatch (another girl) but she had a lot of fluid inside her head and her head was mis-shapen. She died pretty quickly. I have 6 more eggs (4 from BHep and 2 from Emmalynn) due next week and one of my Sebbie girls decided she wanted them, so I gave them to her. She is doing a wonderful job-nobody gets too close to her or they wish they hadn't!
Hello everyone, I just wanted to let you all know that I will answer any PMs as soon as I can. I have not been able to be on here for more than 5 minutes at a time for the last week. My days are going like this:

4:50 a.m. wake up and pack hubby's lunch and see him off at 5:30
6:30 wake Olivia and the younger 4 and get the little boys dressed and comb two girls and feed them breakfast
8:00 out the door to take Olivia to school
Head to Rachael's for the day (22 miles one way from here, 32 miles from school)
2:30 leave Rachael's to go back and get Olivia by 3
3:20 finally home for the day-feed and water all of the birds and cats and dog and rabbits (with "help" from the children)

start supper, work on laundry, cleaning, dishes, mending, helping with homework, supervising chores, cleaning brooders, and feeding the inside chicks.
7:30 is bedtime for the little ones
Finish up what I am trying to get done around the house
Finally collapse in bed around 10 p.m. when my hubby gets home

I have also had some pretty unexpected hits (personally and financially) in the last week as well, so I have been a little (or a lot) discouraged. Tuesday we went to the Columbus Zoo on a fieldtrip with the school, so that was also a huge day-we left at 8 a.m. and got back to the school at 8 p.m. It was perfect weather, though, and that is the nicest zoo I have ever seen. Very large, many animals with large enclosures, and very well-kept.

I just wanted to let you know that I am not ignoring anyone, I am just pretty overwhelmed with everything going on right now. Olivia's last day of school is two week from tomorrow, so that will be a major stress-reliever for me. She is the only one in school yet-Sophia starts next fall.
Hi Heather!
You are such a dear to be so helpful to CPL. Are you going to make the swap on Sat? If I get up there, I just may have to bring you a sweet surprise for your efforts!
o os, wy boter.  it will only et dirty aain

LOLOL  I need my letters back.  some sentences are just not te same witout tem!!!!

I know it's frustrating for you, but it makes me laugh. :). What kind of keyboard is it? USB or the older type of connection on it?

You know I am growing out a bunch this year so we will have many colors in fall lol Its odd enough in color (even more so for the parents its from) that I am thinking of sending off DNA to tell me what it is lol

I can't wait to see a pic!

BM6- You definitely need a breather! I recommend a bottle of wine, a nice bar of dark chocolate and a bubble bath. Cures all! :)
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