Hatching Eggs / Paypal CHAT Thread

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I counted my birds yesterday. Don't think I will ever do that again.... But now I feel the need to focus and I am having immense trouble with that. There are just way too many lovely breeds and varieties out there!!!

But I do have a question. If I have a black roo, what all colors of hens would I be ok putting him with? Off the top of my head I am thinking BBS, lav and paint. Did I miss any?
My Rhodebar pullets came from green eggs... that is how I got them. She was not happy about green eggs from a brown egg layer. Would they be autosexing? Do you think they would breed true with that cross?
I wouldn't use those Rhodebars for breeding. Wrong egg color. Some think GFF used a legbar somewhere along the way which is where the green eggs come from. And some have seen crests on their rhodebar.
Oh it is a great morning!!! All 3 of my bantam chocolate orpingtons are laying!!!!
Oh it is a great morning!!! All 3 of my bantam chocolate orpingtons are laying!!!!

Morning all.............

spent all day yesterday moving 1 child out of her apartment for the summer from college. Then spent the afternoon cleaning the laundry room, which is also where all of my incubators are so i could be ready for the end of goose season and beginning of project chicken hatching.

farm is open today, get to visit with Kradty later on
, the plucker paarts arrived so we need to put it all together this weekend.

pictures of the off color gosling coming this weekend. I believe after looking at her with two others she is blue. Since we have greys and blue american goslings makes for fun compairing them to each other.

ok gotta get motivated, lots to do. Hope everyone can get outside and enjoy the weekend.
Ggrrrrrr! I got my first bad feedback on eBay.
It makes me pretty angry, even if its not a big thing. This stupid customer.
He took 5 days to pay, in which I messaged him twice. Once as a thanks for buying, if you pay before Saturday, I will get these shipped on Saturday to get to you ASAP . Then a message on Saturday saying. I won't be able to ship until Monday, and if I haven't heard back, I may assume that you have changed your mind about buying these eggs, please at least contact me. (Auction had ended Tuesday morning) he then promptly wrote back saying "I haven't paid becuase I don't want you to ship now so it takes another day to get to me. I had every intention of paying today, so you couldn't ship on a bad day."
And paid. Ok. Annoying, but whatever. So I ship the eggs Monday, sending two extras.
He writes me Friday, saying all eggs made it... But they are not black copper maran eggs. They are cuckoo Marans. He then leaves negative feedback saying wrong color. :he I want to smack him. First of all, the eggs I sent are definitely at least a 5 on the Marans scale, so that's ok (trust me, I wish they where darker too lol). And there is no way to tell me that I am sending cuckoo Marans.

Oh, and the auction sold for just over $10 for 6 eggs :eek:

Something so stupid, made me mad to wake up to
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Ggrrrrrr! I got my first bad feedback on eBay.
It makes me pretty angry, even if its not a big thing. This stupid customer.
He took 5 days to pay, in which I messaged him twice. Once as a thanks for buying, if you pay before Saturday, I will get these shipped on Saturday to get to you ASAP . Then a message on Saturday saying. I won't be able to ship until Monday, and if I haven't heard back, I may assume that you have changed your mind about buying these eggs, please at least contact me. (Auction had ended Tuesday morning) he then promptly wrote back saying "I haven't paid becuase I don't want you to ship now so it takes another day to get to me. I had every intention of paying today, so you couldn't ship on a bad day."
And paid. Ok. Annoying, but whatever. So I ship the eggs Monday, sending two extras.
He writes me Friday, saying all eggs made it... But they are not black copper maran eggs. They are cuckoo Marans. He then leaves negative feedback saying wrong color. :he I want to smack him. First of all, the eggs I sent are definitely at least a 5 on the Marans scale, so that's ok (trust me, I wish they where darker too lol). And there is no way to tell me that I am sending cuckoo Marans.

Oh, and the auction sold for just over $10 for 6 eggs :eek:

Something so stupid, made me mad to wake up to

Wow what- .... Umm a dangling boy part?
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