Hatching Eggs / Paypal CHAT Thread

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Great info. Thank you. I'm really trying hard to picture the Icelandic and turkey co-brooding. I think we need pictures on that one. Were they setting both species?

Good afternoon everybody! Finally getting to stop long enough to have tea and relax for a few. I've got a long way to go and about 20 more little portable coops to build yet, but it's starting to be a little more organized, yay!

x2 Hollowoakfarm! I watch WOW occasionally (it's a gorgeous game, visually!) but I refuse to start playing. Chiqita, if you used to run raids in (on?) Dalaran I may have watched you raiding, lol!

I am useless on answering broody hen questions (haven't had one yet!) but am
at the fact that a chicken question somehow briefly became way off topic on this thread!!!

Hee! Yep!
Lol, they fought over their eggs, so they all got cold and didn't make it, I gave them chicks. The turkey did not feel she had ENOUGH eggs and would go over and chase silver off and steal all her eggs but 1 or 2. Silver eventually gave in and sat UNDER pumpkins. No pictures, pumpkin is an aggressive BIG broodie. She just loved eggs. She still tried to chase my BO off her nest to sit on those eggs ( and call the chicks over to sit with her.)

If you watched me, you should have heard me! I have a memorable voice, haha.
Muhhhaaa!  For the Alliance!  Maybe I need to get back on so we can start a BYC guild!  I was having so little time to play with my nutty life I couldn't justify paying for it anymore, but it is free to lvl 20 now....

Well i might have to start a low level toon! I am on Suramar, but will check out Runetotem
SewChaos, my memory bites but yep, I'm pretty sure she had some favs in there, ccls, rhodies, basques, I think some silkies, lots of lovely marans chicks, I think there was one lone turken, seriously I don't remember them all! I should've taken notes :)
This is way off the current thread discussion, but I need some advice. I have 3 Sicilian Buttercup Bantams which according to breed info are not supposed to go broody. I came back from MN to two of the three co-brooding in one nesting box. The other one was faithfully laying her egg with the other two, and I removed it each night after I gave the two broodies eggs to set. Last night, my third decided she is going to join the flock. I now have all three setting in one box on maybe 10 eggs between them. The eggs are due to hatch next Tuesday. How do I work this? Will they share chicks, will the one that just started setting continue to set?

I've never had broody hens before. I have never seen the original two ever get off the eggs and neither has my DH. They must be running down quickly to get food and water and then right back up.

Should I move all three of them into a separate area as they are in an elevated coop with a hole in the floor, or should I just move feed and water up and block the hole in the floor temporarily? My poor SBB cockerel tried to move into the layer coop last night. He is feeling terribly neglected and in need of henly companionship. LOl
I'm not an expert, but I have a pair co-raising some chicks and it is really cute...they are doing really well together. The chicks are now about 3 1/2 weeks old and they are really working well as a team. I would make sure the chicks couldn't fall through the hole, though. I had a chick get stuck away from the moms and expire.
SewChaos, my memory bites but yep, I'm pretty sure she had some favs in there, ccls, rhodies, basques, I think some silkies, lots of lovely marans chicks, I think there was one lone turken, seriously I don't remember them all! I should've taken notes :)
Thanks :)

How do I tell the difference between the rhodebars and the legbars? Aren't they both chipmunky?
There are some yellow ones with 5 toes and feathered legs...favorelles?
There are marans, a couple blacks, some cuckoo and a pretty blue/grey one.
There are a couple yellow chicks with straight combs and clean legs
and then the chipmunk-y ones...
Sounds like a great assortment! I would try to guess but, CPL has a lot to choose from and there are so many chicks that are so similar at the chick stage. I love getting chicks! Its like having a baby without having to wait 9 months and gaining weight, and the pain..... I think that is why I love chicks so much. What else can you grow from nothing to something in 21 days? I have tomatoes that took longer than that to even sprout.
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