Hatching Eggs / Paypal CHAT Thread

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I'm ready to cull a cornish x hen the next time she goes broody. She was broody for months. We moved to the new house and she quickly went broody again. I tried twice to give her eggs. First time, she refused them. The last time, she kicked her eggs out and then stole new ones. As soon as I decided to butcher her, she decided to scram from the nest and never go back.
being a cornish x, shouldn't you have already cooked..I mean culled her?
awesome! Congrats! I need to either give this Chocolate that I have to someone or get it some mates......I don't like just one breed/color by itself. I have spent forever trying to find decent Wheaten Marans for one little pullet that I got as an extra....now I have to do it again! Of course, if krafty sends me some LF Chocolates, I probably could integrate it in somehow
WE WILL be offering eggs again after we catch up a little,
My first breeder pens are almost done! Very productive day for us. Painting and hardware to do tomorrow and it is done!! One week to do it. The other took us two months :oops:s It is a lot nicer, but a bit over done. I moved the SBEL'S out. My luck, I picked out two that were feathering differently at two weeks old. They are both boys :rolleyes: I moved their brooder out and figured they would put themselves in it. They followed the big girls into their coop. They are so super sweet, follow me around the yard like lost puppies. Jump into my lap for cuddles. Why did they have to be boys?? Maybe one can stay on with the layers...
nobody runs swaps around here....sorry about your pullet...folks around here have no idea what a legbar is, we are in the sticks! all these people know is RIR and BR, those will go for upwards of $20.00 for POL or hens, even old ratty looking hens.
Kind of the same around here, but there is a decent crowd on BYC and we buy birds from each other, lol.. but a lot of people just want production type layers...

What a day. Wyandotte coop is almost done. We have a few more things to do and the new tenants will be moving in. Then the remaining wyandotte roosters will be moving to a smaller pen. And I can finally get the chicks out of the house yet again.
Yay for lots of work done!!

Pics of the new Loves of my life!

10 months old... haven't went thru first molt yet.

can't wait for my chicks from CPL!!

Hubby even surprised me today. He went in to get something out of the closet in the room where Stella is in her brooder box. He said... "Hmm, that goose sure is friendly. She wanted to be petted."
I said, "well, did you pet her?" "Well, yeah. "
Major improvement over the last geese.

WOW!!! That's pretty big for him, isn't it??

My first breeder pens are almost done! Very productive day for us. Painting and hardware to do tomorrow and it is done!! One week to do it. The other took us two months :oops:s It is a lot nicer, but a bit over done. I moved the SBEL'S out. My luck, I picked out two that were feathering differently at two weeks old. They are both boys
I moved their brooder out and figured they would put themselves in it. They followed the big girls into their coop. They are so super sweet, follow me around the yard like lost puppies. Jump into my lap for cuddles. Why did they have to be boys?? Maybe one can stay on with the layers...

Yay for more productive days!!!

Today was our local chickenstock... it's pretty much the only swap we have around here all year... everything else I sell on CL... I just have some older Easter Egger cockerels I hatched in March that didn't sell, woo-hoo!!! BUT, I caved and bought an Andalusian pullet and a breeder friend brought me a calico bantam cochin roo that she held for me all winter=) I have 4 pretty little bantam cochin pullets for him

I need to take a pic of him and post tomorrow...
Ok.....anyone what Mr. Fertile Red Bourbon Turkey????  I adore him, but he needs more room and he has decided I am a rival.  :hit .  Flockalot???  I'll meet you half way.  He is an awesome breeder.  I'll ship, you pay.....I really don't want to get rid of him, he is so verile and such a great tom.  He loves everyone else, but has decided to hate me.  I think that he thinks I am responsible for the chicks his mate lost.

Poor boy! He's just confused. Needs you to pick him up and give him a big ol hug in front of the girls. I think that's why I never ever have aggressive toms.

I went out and gave my Frankie a big hug and kiss for being such a good and handsome boy! The other to s follow suit. If you really need him to leave I'm sure we can work something out. PM me.
Ok....I am breaking down and buying my own plucker.  I would love opinions.....  I process sets of 50 chickens at a time about 4 times/year.  We also do about 50 turkeys every year.  I also want to do some very small scale mobile slaughter, plucking for local farmers.  I think it might encourage more people to produce their own meat.  I was thinking an Easy Plucker.  Any thoughts?

The whiz bang is probably your best bet, but those fingers are pretty difficult to put in so be prepared.
being a cornish x, shouldn't you have already cooked..I mean culled her?

Ironically, they're my best rangers and lay the best eggs. They lay as well as my leghorns. In all reality, they are the best dual purpose, IF you're okay with gluttons. They're about a year old now and I love my girls. They do way better with extreme free-range, because too much feed can and will kill them.
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