Hatching Eggs / Paypal CHAT Thread

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We judge ourselves so harshly, I swear :) You look like you're having a blast!

I have been! Thanks :)

Actually, I wasn't thinking that.. I was thinking I knew what a green thumb was - apparently green fingers build great coops!  They are really nice!

Thank you! I have to give credit where credit is due...DH is the builder. I am just a very sloppy painter :gig We are pretty proud of our chicken coops. We did learn with the first one that chicken tractors need to not weigh a ton, otherwise we have been happy with them :)
We were working on coops this weekend, too. Just little arks for bantam quads. Not quite done, but getting there!


And my blue mottled bantam Cochins are finally laying! I think my roo may still be a little too young, but I am going to be checking them for sure!


I have one CL peep out (I think a roo...) but no more pips yet....
Well hubbies home and has a new job waiting on Monday, so no more over the road crud. It'll be nice to not have everything falling on my shoulders, but now we need to remind him who's the boss! LOL! Guess there will be a few struggles reworking our pecking order. We need a sign that says DON'T LISTEN TO THE ROOSTER HE'S ALL NOISE. IT'S THE HEN THAT IS IN CHARGE.

Hubby also doesn't understand why the gosling he carried around and cuddled the first weekend of its life won't go near the other geese. Poor little goose thinks he's a human now. He runs around and hides behind our feet anytime another animal comes near. He's even more spoilt since my hubby got home yesterday. Every time I turn around he's cuddling that goose. He's a brat! He's bonded to us now. When he gets older he will be an even bigger PITA. Hubby just doesn't understand about animals! I told him if he keeps that darn goose in the house he's cleaning up after it. He took it in the shower this morning! So I asked him what he was naming his new pet? The plan was not to keep anymore than one gander and three hens. If its a male I'm not getting ride of George. He's a good gander. If its a girl I'm wondering how it will react to the other geese when it's older. Man what a conundrum. He couldn't bond with a turkey? I have no problems keeping more turkeys. Merry even crawled in his lap yesterday for a cuddle.

On the bright side I have two more broody turkeys! I love broodies! They are so cute. Plus they take all the work out of raising babies. And if you keep playing with them they babies will trust you too. And today is turkey hatching day! I love turkey hatching day!

Daaaawwww that's sooo cute.
Well, my roitweiller is missing.

I noticed he was missing yesterday around noon, figured he'd come back by nightfall, but he didn't. I went around to all my neighbors (about 15 on the 400 acre block) plus the little house development down the road. Handed out flyers but no sign of him.

I keep thinking I hear his tags, or seeing him out of the corner of my eye. My husband, who has no tact, told me to stop worrying, cuz he's gone. Now, I know he's upset, that was his buddy.
I had that happen with my dane (years ago) thought he had been taken....he came home over a week later, sunburnt on one side and skinny as all get out...my conclusion was he had went chasing rabbits and got caught up in something, finally got skinny enough to shed his collar, i dont collar my dogs anymore, just fencing.

hope you get him back
Do they lay white eggs too? Sorry I don't know much about leghorns, except I know the MFL lay brown eggs.... so didn't know if all the other leghorns lay white? if so, I would rather have another color of bird that lays white eggs besides white leghorns.

Red leghorns lay large white eggs. Not the extra large we get from the white, but not the medium to medium large we get from the Minorcas. And not small like the Silver Spangled Hamburgs. I'll try to get some pics of the girls tomorrow. I would love to find them a mate. Such sweet pretty girls. Kid calls them Ruby and Ruby2. I would love to get more of them.
I'm hooked! DH will be later on. So I need incubation tips. And if you want to do a side swap sometime let me know. I want to keep a trio of MW.

Oh you are going to love these guys. Look how enamored COF is with her RPs. These guys are so cute and sweet and the guys like the big strut the tiny toms do. It's so cute.

I got back from the movie and found a midget standing in the cabinet right behind the door. Maybe that little stinker earlier was trying to tell me I missed one! So now I'm at cuteness overload. Still waiting for a few to finish zipping and a couple to actually zip, but I think as my hubby showers I will open the hatcher In the bathroom and pull out some sweety pies.

madam, I don't treat my turkeys any different than my chickens...dry incubate then up it to 70-75% humidity during lockdown. My last three hatches on turkeys was 100%.
Midgets are probably no different than regular size turkeys when it comes to incubating.

Midgets are just like any other turkey. They do like to hatch early sometimes though. These guys I'm hatching now were set around midnight on the 8th which means they would reach 28 days on the 7th. Sometimes I will have them hatching over longer periods, but the keepers are the early hatchers. They have the strength and vigor I like to pass on to the next generation. So exactly as Krazy wrote, but watch for early pips. I'm one that checks for internal pipping and that's when they go into lockdown. If I have a batch that seems to be lagging I usually recal things. One of those things I learnt oh so very many eons ago when I was but a little turkey lover. Remember those old metal Brower incubators and the old redwood cabinets with steam heat? Antiques now, but I learnt on them. Course they were old then to. I'm not THAT old. My grandpa used to raise turkeys on buttermilk feed and sell them on the Chicago merchantile. They were very popular! So turkey blood is in my genes you could say.

Well, my roitweiller is missing. :hit :hit

I noticed he was missing yesterday around noon, figured he'd come back by nightfall, but he didn't. I went around to all my neighbors (about 15 on the 400 acre block) plus the little house development down the road. Handed out flyers but no sign of him.

I keep thinking I hear his tags, or seeing him out of the corner of my eye. My husband, who has no tact, told me to stop worrying, cuz he's gone. Now, I know he's upset, that was his buddy.

So sorry! I hope you find him.

Okay, how many of us saw the picture of Lilwanis and thought, "Man, I used to be that skinny!" ?? :p

Tell me about it. After I got hurt I gained lots of weight. My activity level went from super active and busy to unable to walk, then with crutches, now a cane. No more running or even long walks. Now I have to literally starve myself to loose, but some of that is due to my medications. When my older son was little if he stood in front of me you could only see me above him and he was skinny. I used to have to drink high calorie shakes to keep weight on.
Also, please meet the wonder that is Fat Elvis! These pictures SO don't do him justice: That's Wynonna with him -- Loretta was being camera-shy :)
Those are beautiful!
But eating polish eggs ... Seems very wrong.
I have a polish chick right now and he or she is nothing but trouble. In fact he or she is up on Craig's list right now and if no one takes it then it gettin eaten.
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