Hatching Eggs / Paypal CHAT Thread

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Good Morning Happy Chicken People!

Despite my telling myself that this time around I wasn't having any pet poultry, one teenage Welsummer (one of Jim Heinz) has decided she is my best friend. While everyone else heads to the ground for the morning scratch, she gets up on the perches and gets as close as she can to where I am, begging. She wants hand feeding, and petting, and being held. All these Wellies, and it has to be this one...a banded one. Sigh. I don't want any pet birds. That was the hardest part about the MG outbreak last year; putting down pets and babies. No pet birds!

But she says otherwise.
Hey, guys, I need to know from anyone that has hatched Salmon Favs from me if you have had non pure chicks hatch. My first set I apparently shipped too soon and the Blues/Buttercup cockerels that were in with my Fav pullet still were in the lineup. I just heard from someone I shipped to in April that she had a couple of black chicks hatch. I don't know how that could happen because I don't have a single cockerel that would throw a black chick except my Houdan, and I know he wasn't in the mix. I don't know if DH mixed layer egg pen up with the Favs or what, but I need to know if anyone else has had a problem. Needless to say, I will be sending out replacement eggs along with my sincere apologies. Please let me know if anyone has had an issue. I'm very sorry and don't want anyone on here to think I would intentionally send out mixed eggs.
Crystal, I got four Salmon Fav and 3 Arkansas Blue eggs from you on March 14 that you shipped to my daughter's house in Little Rock. I have two AB and two SF chicks. They look pure to me.........and thinking they are a pair!
We just got a call from someone who is 10 miles away saying a rottie has been in their yard all day. Sure enough, it was out boy. Skinnier and COVERED in ticks, but doing ok




This is the friggin best news I have heard all week!!!! WOOT!!!!! I will admit that I was startign to lose hope there at the end. What a face...just look at that face!!!
I got some exchequer leghorn chicks and there was a red included. My plan was to throw it in with my egg flock if it was a pullet. A couple of days ago I glanced at it and thought..................dang, looks like a little roo. If it's a roo, I have no use for it.............

This is my American gander named George (Washington) and he knows he's my favorite.

Another shot of his adorable face
Okay, that face is pretty cute, too!!!
cheep with eggs? If you want a bunch of egg BUY THEM, these birds arent cheap to grow out, select the best (if any) to keep, to build a breeding pair, trio, flock. To feed, and then there is some breeds who individual birds cost a fortune to invest in for the "chance" to have something worth breeding.

some breeds dont lay well, some breeds take FOREVER to grow out to even get egg 1. Before you call someone cheap, you need to look at ALL the factor that went into getting that single egg, let alone 3, 4, 6

Sorry but i get very upset when I see statements like that.
I am with you completely, we bought BLRW eggs 3 times and chicks at least 4 before I was able to grow out 3 I was happy with and 2 of them are roosters. Coronations Sussex what bad luck I had with them(between possums, bad hatches, post office and my stupidity) it never worked so we bought a quad of 1 year old breeders from GFF breeding stock when they were quiting (the last ones they sold) and one of them arrived dead. So yes It costs a fortune, when people look at me and say how can you charge that much you want to say it should be more.
Crystal, I got four Salmon Fav and 3 Arkansas Blue eggs from you on March 14 that you shipped to my daughter's house in Little Rock. I have two AB and two SF chicks. They look pure to me.........and thinking they are a pair!
That is definitely a pair. Any black feathers indicates cockerel. Looks like the pullet is going to be a very nice even color also. Yay!
TNBEAR - I have SFH eggs comin your way today. Last two sets we have cooking have 100% fertility so I feel good shipping them now.
Yea me, we were about to have an empty incubator but we have eggs coming form several this week, so we should be able to feel up nearly one tray. We are growing out a lot of SFH right now to try and have a second breeding flock or 2 for next year. Now to decide who stays and who go's.
x2!!! So glad there is a happy ending to this story!! Wouldn't it be interesting if he had been wearing a crittercam and you were able to see what happened to him??
I'll bet he was having a blast while his poor family were worried sick! Typical.
I got some exchequer leghorn chicks and there was a red included. My plan was to throw it in with my egg flock if it was a pullet. A couple of days ago I glanced at it and thought..................dang, looks like a little roo. If it's a roo, I have no use for it............. This is my American gander named George (Washington) and he knows he's my favorite. Another shot of his adorable face
If its a red lleghorn I would snap it up in a heartbeat!
Good Morning Happy Chicken People! Despite my telling myself that this time around I wasn't having any pet poultry, one teenage Welsummer (one of Jim Heinz) has decided she is my best friend. While everyone else heads to the ground for the morning scratch, she gets up on the perches and gets as close as she can to where I am, begging. She wants hand feeding, and petting, and being held. All these Wellies, and it has to be this one...a banded one. Sigh. I don't want any pet birds. That was the hardest part about the MG outbreak last year; putting down pets and babies. No pet birds! But she says otherwise.
Isn't it funny how they choose us? We have some of what are supposed to be flighty birds like minorcas or leghorns that are lap birds. But then I have fond memories of dressing meat birds up in doll clothes. Too bad I only have boys! I would have a blast with a little girl. But it's the boy that loves those birds until they love attention. He draws the line putting dresses on them though. Oh well. George is a perfect name for a gander. When I end up replacing George the new one will be George too.
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