Hatching Eggs / Paypal CHAT Thread

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i have eggs that are on day 21 today... no peeps yet but have my fingers crossed. I am wondering though.... just before lock down, I candled them. They didn't look like they were taking up the whole egg.... When I used two lights on each end, I could see "through"... I could see them moving so maybe they are a little behind? should I be worried?
I NEED some of these. Anyone have any Pearl gray-orange Leghorns?




Love love love these!!!!

i have eggs that are on day 21 today... no peeps yet but have my fingers crossed. I am wondering though.... just before lock down, I candled them. They didn't look like they were taking up the whole egg.... When I used two lights on each end, I could see "through"... I could see them moving so maybe they are a little behind? should I be worried?
Sounds like they might be a bit behind. Might want to check the temps in your incubator.

Gosh, that reminds me I have Legbarson day 20!
Come on little chickies! I have someone who has been waiting on 6 pullets and 2 roos for 2 months now.
Morning all.............. not nearly enough sleep last night

Those Leghorn's are pretty

G'morning peeps!! Happy Friday!!!!

COF, if you are looking for Brahmas I could help you out. If I have all pullets like some think I have way too many. Thank goodness I got more brahma chicks this week and I have a few more growing. From looking at those RBA auctions, they have brahmas sexed at 7-8 weeks. I have one outside that is about that age and getting a red comb.
for a rooster!
You have a roo in the bunch. Have you tried the dark paper trick with their feathers? Really helps with the light toned brahma to see saddles and hackles
Morning all.............. not nearly enough sleep last night

Those Leghorn's are pretty

You have a roo in the bunch. Have you tried the dark paper trick with their feathers? Really helps with the light toned brahma to see saddles and hackles
I've gotten up close and personal with these guys. There are no saddle feathers and they are now just getting combs at 14 weeks but the combs are still really small. Unlike the 8 week old who has a comb coming in already.
Morning all! I LOVE those leghorns!

I am home today with pneumonia --ugghhh. I guess that's somewhat of a good thing as my orpington chick assortment from the nightmare RBA auction is on its way to my PO this morning. That truck usually arrives around ten. I will have to post pictures to see what you think is in the box. He says there should be some reds, jubilees, and possibly gold laced.
I have eggs that should have hatched Tuesday night. I float tested them and they are "viable" but no movement and no internal pips. Other eggs are due tonight. They are not pipped yet, but were set and locked down late so I still have some hope. I put Tuesday eggs back in the bator but have pretty much lost hope for them, I just really want them to hatch, lol. I thought that I had this figured out, but to get to lockdown and then...really bummed right now.

Lilwanis, I've had that happen a LOT this spring -- eggs making it to lockdown and then failing to hatch. I'm looking forward to reading others' responses, but I have no clue why it's been happening here.
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