Hatching Eggs / Paypal CHAT Thread

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Yes, you can get quite a few under those. However - they don't usually try to go broody on rocks.. which Silkies will. If you need a broody Silkie - leave the eggs in the nest. OR put golf balls in there. I just heard somewhere that they were originally created to brood partridges for the Emperors... its bred into them!

I would have Silkie eggs.. but all my Silkies went broody - only have one Frizzle girl who isn't...

Oh, that's fascinating! I didn't know that :)
HHMMM I have a pair (for sure pair) of buffs about the same age. Let me get you some pictures of them this morning. They are out under the citrus trees today, so should be easy pictures

On the buffs, i thought for sure were 2 pullets. Then like a week later, i looked and saw the darker pointy saddle feathers. They appeared out of nowhere!!
I have eggs that should have hatched Tuesday night. I float tested them and they are "viable" but no movement and no internal pips. Other eggs are due tonight. They are not pipped yet, but were set and locked down late so I still have some hope. I put Tuesday eggs back in the bator but have pretty much lost hope for them, I just really want them to hatch, lol. I thought that I had this figured out, but to get to lockdown and then...really bummed right now.

Lilwanis, I've had that happen a LOT this spring -- eggs making it to lockdown and then failing to hatch. I'm looking forward to reading others' responses, but I have no clue why it's been happening here.
I had a lot of that, too. I was moving eggs from the cabinet where they developed just fine, into the Hovabator for hatching...and they'd stop. I'm currently running a hatch straight through of eggs just in the cabinet. I'm betting they'll be fine. Then I'll need to sort out that Hovabator.
Back from the PO. Of 22 chicks from the grouchy RBA seller, I have 14 alive. There were 4 empty solo cups I am assuming had water in them as the box was wet on bottom.
Seven are lemon cuckoos. Not what I wanted a lot of, but I can always add them to the ones I already have. I have one very weak lavender that I can also add to mine. The others -- unsure. ALL of the reds were dead.

The ones that are left --
This is a buff colored bird, but has some black in its wings. It is darker than the lemon cuckoo chicks. I don't know what's going on with the black. This one is near death. I popped it in the incubator to warm it up.

These are the 4 surviving black chicks--but all are a little different. One is solid black. The other three have yellow.

One of the yellow ones has a lot of white in the wings.

This one has brown in the wings and brown eyeliner. Is this a jubilee???

So it doesn't appear there are any gold laced chicks. I'm assuming the other three blacks are just plain black. Frustrating that I paid all that money for plain blacks.
gold laced start as dark chicks in Brahma's not sure about in Orps, I believe Jubs start out with lighter down

stupid shipper sending anything liquid in the box.
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Back from the PO. Of 22 chicks from the grouchy RBA seller, I have 14 alive. There were 4 empty solo cups I am assuming had water in them as the box was wet on bottom.
Seven are lemon cuckoos. Not what I wanted a lot of, but I can always add them to the ones I already have. I have one very weak lavender that I can also add to mine. The others -- unsure. ALL of the reds were dead.

The ones that are left --
This is a buff colored bird, but has some black in its wings. It is darker than the lemon cuckoo chicks. I don't know what's going on with the black. This one is near death. I popped it in the incubator to warm it up.

These are the 4 surviving black chicks--but all are a little different. One is solid black. The other three have yellow.

One of the yellow ones has a lot of white in the wings.

This one has brown in the wings and brown eyeliner. Is this a jubilee???

So it doesn't appear there are any gold laced chicks. I'm assuming the other three blacks are just plain black. Frustrating that I paid all that money for plain blacks.
gold laced will have gold on it as chicks. Check out GFF rare assortment auction. They have a picture of a gold laced orp on there. Jubilees hatch yellow so none of those are Jubs.
Woo hoo, got someone coming today to pickup my extra roos.  It's only 5 but that helps a lot.

I have wheaties on day 21 today from the swap;) very excited..Madams Bresse are doing amazing...most are growing! Also have lav Orps, my tolbunts, my brahmas...and lavender laced split SL brahmas going!!! Gosh and more I cant remember? Ive had to borrow 2 more bators!

Has anyone heard from Rachael CPL? I know shes busy with her new farm I just haven't heard from her and Im getting a tad worried about her? She has alot on her plate;(
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