Hatching Eggs / Paypal CHAT Thread

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We dont mail on Satursday's far too busy with the farm open that day. You may have a wait as the girls who should be laying are molting or just on strike at this point. they layed all fall and winter and through most of the spring. If we get enough today through the weekend can send on Monday.

Like I said in the pm I fully understand if I waited to long it's my fault. You warned me this kind if thing would happen so I would gladly take a hens choice of whatever is laying instead. Ducks or chickens i dont care All of your stock is gorgeous I would be happy with just about anything.
I know you prolly wouldn't send me any anyway but just incase no goose eggs I'm not really prepared for them at this point. Which is funny because initially that's all I wanted. Lol.
The big thing is that I get all my eggs in the incubator ASAP.
I'm far too extreme type A to have someone else pack my boxes, lol. I'm lucky enough that G still helps with the projects he does help with, like planting trees and such... He said I'm far too impatient with him when we're working on stuff... Just used to doing everything myself and not having a partner to help, lol.

I'm the same way. Trust me.
I'm going to throw this out real quick and head out to work. I willing to buy or trade on empty feed sacks, the "grass" sacks like purina (sP) anything with a picture of fowl or horses of cattle on it. PM me and let me know what you've got and let me know your price. I've got a craft project going with my nephews to raise money for their trip to Germany to see their Oma and Opa this summer. Willing to pay shipping or if there's a breed I've got will swap eggs.

Sorry so abrupt, but I'm out the door to work! have a great evening y'all!
I'm going to throw this out real quick and head out to work.  I willing to buy or trade on empty feed sacks, the "grass" sacks like purina (sP) anything with a picture of fowl or horses of cattle on it.  PM me and let me know what you've got and let me know your price.  I've got a craft project going with my nephews to raise money for their trip to Germany to see their Oma and Opa this summer.  Willing to pay shipping or if there's a breed I've got will swap eggs. 

Sorry so abrupt, but I'm out the door to work!  have a great evening y'all!

On rare occasions I need to pick up feed at a TSC or F&F. You can have any bags I have lying around. I know of one right now for sure and will check for others.

I made my older son deliver paper routes to pay for a summer trip to Europe when he was 15. I also picked up two paper routes, so we got up at 3:30 AM to start deliveries. I raised him by myself, so money was tight, but if we could figure a way he was able to do things. I think that's why he's a self starter now. Plus when he went off to basic training he had no issues getting up and functioning at that hour. Kids learn to appreciate things more when they earn them, so good for you!
Debi has a BIN auction of 24 Araucana eggs on the JIT auction thread. Someone is going to get a really good deal with these at $45 including shipping.
yes SOMEONE please buy them before I get too weak.....
Really thinking about claiming those eggs but I will probably stall the thread and should probably wait till I get the first batch from them first. Just Something about those SFH I seem to like or think I will like.
My hubs is so earning the brownie points today. He works in construction testing, and was chatting with a city inspector today. He apparently mentioned we'd just hatched our first duckling, and she told him that her dad's friend had ducks and only wanted a certain amount and they had two sitting on 12 eggs each!! So she's passing on my number to them to possibly take the ducklings! No idea what kind, but she knew they had two different breeds. Soooo nice having a hubs who's with the plan.
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