Hatching Eggs / Paypal CHAT Thread

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The eggs from CPL came from her farm address, right? Winchester, not Ridgeville anymore.
Charles may have helped her pack them-she is getting 5+ dozen eggs each day, so she sets the dirty ones to hatch for chick swaps, and tries to send the cleanest ones.
Michelle, send me a message with what you were supposed to be getting and I will resend to you. Sorry about the broken ones (no, I didn't send them), and I will be sure you get unbroken eggs next time.
I have only ever had one person receive an egg that was cracked from me, and it was a hairline crack that I must have missed when I packed them. To me it is a challenge to be able to keep a perfect record of unbroken eggs.
Sounds like they might be a bit behind. Might want to check the temps in your incubator. Gosh, that reminds me I have Legbarson day 20!
Come on little chickies! I have someone who has been waiting on 6 pullets and 2 roos for 2 months now.
Good luck little legbars and to all hatching. My little lavender am did not have a hatch mate, so Peep now has a feed store EE for a companions. Cute little chipmunk with huge cheeks. I am guessing it will be standard wild type coloring.
I must mention that I bought birchen Marans eggs from kitchenchick. Purchased 8, received 11. None broken, air cells were great and ALL 11 have developed and going into lockdown on Monday. I'm very impressed and will be buying from her again when I need more eggs!
Had to skip to the end, pretty much
Good Morning everyone! I have been meaning to post this all week.... at least I remembered before the week was over. To all the other nurses on this thread:


Thanks for the laugh Susan!!

Oh and daloorasheens I'm a little swede along with a few others, but mostly Swiss and Irish. So often I'm in arguments with myself that my stubborn ornery self won't give in to and yet I'm neutral so I don't care.

Lol, I do the same thing!!

Okay, I apologize for my grump fest a few days ago.... I am feeling much better now, partly because I got my first set of Wheaten Marans chicks yesterday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(not from the peeps in MT, these came from April Miley in OH) so early next spring, hopefully I'll have some nifty eggs to swap with ya'll... (still looking for one more source with some roos with good type)

The raspberries are finally poking their heads out of the dirt, so hopefully I can send out all my raspberry starts this coming week or the next week (after it dries from the rain, sheesh!) and then I will be all caught up with my swaps,
Then I will take a much needed break from swapping and hatching so that I can work in the garden and go camping with my boys (DH included, lol)

I plan on taking pics this summer of all the plants I have sent out and plan to have for swaps this fall, so those of you I have sent plants to can at least see what they look like here...

Here are my chickies...

I just wanted to thank the folks that contacted me about feed sacks. I had to get to work and was running behind so I wanted to take a couple minutes to tell you why I needed them.

I have to laugh over my nephews. They wanted to raise money to go to Germany, now they don't have too, but in their minds they do. I let the peddle eating eggs in their neighborhood and now they want to expand,lol. Their mom suggested a lemonade stand, but nooooo sir! they seen a tote I did a couple years back and they think that's the finest thing ever. I told them i'd find the bags and grandmaw (mom to me) would help sew them and I'd give them eggs to couple with the totes to up the value, lol. They're 9 and 6. I was told in confidence that they wanted to use the money to buy they mamaw and Oma special gifts while they were in Germany. I'm just left with my heart swelling with love for these kids. Sorry I just had to share this little story. I read an email from the oldest just now detailing their plans for neighborhood conquest and just how much money they're going to make. Those kids!

To save time I copied and pasted this from the email I sent to WVStruttin' about the boys.

So, thanks again for getting back with my y'all. These 2 little boys may not know you but their aunt sure appreciates it! More than you'll ever know.
I must mention that I bought birchen Marans eggs from kitchenchick. Purchased 8, received 11. None broken, air cells were great and ALL 11 have developed and going into lockdown on Monday. I'm very impressed and will be buying from her again when I need more eggs!
thank you sooo very much for that feedback. I just try to treat folks like I want to be treated. Good luck with your hatching. Off to bed loooonggg day tomorrow. Nite all!
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Every time I think I'm accumulating a ridiculous number of chickens... Donna comes along and makes me feel downright restrained in comparison, lol!
Yeah, I wish my husband could understand just how restrained I am being...I should make him read this thread...but then maybe he would forbid me to associate with the "bad influences" like some kind of online chicken gang with gang tattoos and hazing rituals about double stacking incubators with eggs...LOLOLOL
Good Morning Happy Chicken People!

My non-chicken sister is visiting and got to pet a chicken yesterday. She was astounded at how soft and personable chickens were. Hehehe

Have a good day, people!
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