Hatching Eggs / Paypal CHAT Thread

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I would like to add another auto sexing breed or even keep some white legbars. Who doesn't love a white bird that lays blue eggs?

Ho cool would that be?

I've got one all-white basque hen from pastrymama -- apparently they occasionally throw them -- and she is my absolute favorite. I swear, she's actually clingy! Little snugglebunny, she is
I'm still deciding whether to breed her or not, though. She's scared of the other basques -- she lives with my coronations, lol!
Do midgets make good meat breeders?

Yup, they win taste contests. Everyone that got one last year ordered 4 or 6 for this year. Some for summer time on the grill. And one or two for the holidays. I had to cut orders off in Feb. as it had already hit 200! That's a lot of turkey love for me!

Yeah, turkeys!!!

And COF, yes they do.  That's why I'm getting them.  Small turkey I can eat.  I love turkey and prefer to eat it all year long.

Me too! We have turkey at least once a month. I love the whole range of turkey goodness! Make my own cranberry to go with em too. Yum. Think I want turkey for Mother's Day now.
Okay, here are some pictures of the SFH. These are the more colorful ones. There are a few plainer looking ones in there too. I need to clean the Ecoglow off again. Better yet, I need to get these guys outside in a coop with another brooder of chicks.

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Okay, here are some pictures of the SFH. These are the more colorful ones. There are a few plainer looking ones in there too. I need to clean the Ecoglow off again. Better yet, I need to get these guys outside in a coop with another brooder of chicks.
Here's a tip - I use the Glad Press n' Seal to cover my EcoGlow. When it gets dirty, I just peel it off and replace.
I have a gold laced brahma chick (I think pullet) and a silver laced brahma (I think cockerel) from Dan Powell lines. If either turn out to be roosters I will be rehoming them. If anyone is interested let me know, I've never shipped adult birds before, but am willing to.
Are they LF? If so I might be interested in the gold laced.
Every time I think I'm accumulating a ridiculous number of chickens... Donna comes along and makes me feel downright restrained in comparison, lol!
I know, right?? She always helps me feel better about my addiction, lol

Yeah, I wish my husband could understand just how restrained I am being...I should make him read this thread...but then maybe he would forbid me to associate with the "bad influences" like some kind of online chicken gang with gang tattoos and hazing rituals about double stacking incubators with eggs...LOLOLOL


Anyone interested in Augsburger chicks or SFH chicks PM me to work a deal!
sending a PM...
I can not believe my luck so far. 5 CCL hens hatched along with a white legbar chick. One other CCL hen internally pipped through a blood vessel and died. Wow, 6 hens so far!!!
Ok experts on the Bantam Chocolate orps please. What would cause a orp to have a pea comb or a ausegberger comb.

The rotten seller on RBA that never refunded any of my money sent me mix orps I think. Only a couple have single combs. The rest have pea combs and the weird looking 2 combs.
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