Hatching Eggs / Paypal CHAT Thread

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Did you see the crele orp pair at $750 and 6 days left WOW

Yes, those are Nellies chicks, mine are from her, but were the English projects before she imported some actual "real" crele/legbar. She has quality stuff. But I still wouldn't pay that. But at least if I did, and something happened to them, I do know she would replace them, and wouldn't have the horror stories that some other people have had from other RBA sellers recently. NOW I am really going to bed. Gnite!
Thank goodness this is the last one, my phone is giving me fits trying to upload pics!

Poult 4 is tiny! Really about half the size of the others and a major snuggler!


Cute poults, I know nothing about turkey's other they taste good and look cute.

Originally Posted by CelticOaksFarm

I believe I have enough Brahma colors to keep me busy for awhile.
So glad I remembered a set of arc/tractor plans I had in the laptop. Will be easy to get them built so all the colors stay separated.

Blue Partridge
Buff Laced
Gold Laced
Silver Laced
Columbian Lavender

This means the CCL, and Rhode's are deffinetly leaving. It also means the EE flock will be leaving too (aside from 4 hens who are old timers and here for life)

Rhodes are spoken for

CCL -- available ... PM for details

EE -- available includes our Roo Alpha (see picture)--- PM for details

---shipping is available

Night all
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ok soooo on RBA the bidding is up to $400.00 on a silver laced oro cockeral. ONE that will be 9 weeks old. Some of you know how much I want silver laced, but one cockerel? Not a 5 or 6 month old, but 9 weeks. Am I crazy for thinking that is insane?
Look if was not for this site and a few other publications making chicken keeping posh ....

Dudetts<<<< I have never ever seen people spend so much on chickens.

Then again I have never spent so much on birds,,,

I have spent thousands on raising marine corals...but that is another life ago...
I'm torn on two and three, but I'm pretty sure that last one is mine!

Is the last ones snood smaller than the others? If so I would say girl, but its hard to tell. I have one girl out of last weeks hatches that is a keeper. She just goes nuts anytime she hears me. She loves to cuddle. I have one lover/escape artist in every batch. She's the tiniest thing, but can almost get out of the brooder. She also thinks I'm supposed to finger feed her. She's so happy when I pick her up. Harvey was like that. She also challenged all the other turkeys. Probably what lead to her injury and subsequently her name.

I'll get you some photos tomorrow of the angular head shape I'm talking about so you can see. If you have girls you will start to see the head shape in a couple of weeks at least. It shows up earlier than the other signs.
G'morning peeps. I can't believe it's Monday already. I will get getting rid of some chicks today.
SFH are heading to their new home and the CCL's new Mom is coming to pick them up as well! I have EE pullets chicks coming next week. I think that leaves one more chick shipment coming. I see a light at the end of the tunnel!!
Quote: lol you guys are too funny. I swear it shouldnt have been set. Trust me not every egg goes in the bator, or should for that matter.

G'morning peeps. I can't believe it's Monday already. I will get getting rid of some chicks today.
SFH are heading to their new home and the CCL's new Mom is coming to pick them up as well! I have EE pullets chicks coming next week. I think that leaves one more chick shipment coming. I see a light at the end of the tunnel!!
That has to be a good feeling.

I sorta feel like that with the recent choices on breeds/colors. Enjoyed some of the breeds we are parting with, but finally feel like a game plan in place and happy about the keepers.
Good morning all.
Madam, glad you found homes...
I will be glad when I finally sort through and make my decisions... It will be a great feeling, I am sure!
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