Hatching Eggs / Paypal CHAT Thread

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This is the only pic I have with me at work (and it's an old one,lol) but I will post some newer one from home.

We LOVE our Sebbies! They are the cutest things ever and I'm enjoying them even more than my chickens

The kids are super attached to them and spend most of their free time snuggling them. To my surprise the geese actually enjoy it and come running and honking for snuggles

The crack me up too- they spend half the day trying to tear apart a bale of straw and the other half preening my hammock. And they love hanging with all my hens but the roos get chased off- crazy geese
Aren't they the greatest?!?! I am soooo rethinking my animal ratio. I think geese need to be more prominent over chickens. I even had to go get a hug from Stella this morning before I left to go to work. Sorry, chickies, I don't go hunting hugs from you in the morning. Just the geese. :)
Did I mention the part about my camera takes horrible pictures? I think I did
And I don't wash them, and the girls won't lay in the nesting box. Just won't. Sorry they didn't come out better -- I should've known that was kind of a waste of 40 minutes. Ah well!
Aren't they the greatest?!?! I am soooo rethinking my animal ratio. I think geese need to be more prominent over chickens. I even had to go get a hug from Stella this morning before I left to go to work. Sorry, chickies, I don't go hunting hugs from you in the morning. Just the geese. :)

Me too! I never thought my chicken obsession would be over shadowed by geese

They are like little kiddies lol. And no crowing...yippee! They honk but so far only when they get excited which is so cute and not obnoxious at all- unlike most of my roos
Oh yeah.... since we are on the subject-- well at least we were a page or so back... I hope to have the Silver penciled rocks producing again soon. I had tested fertility and hatched out little chicks and then.. one hen went broody and the other one stopped laying. The broody hen finally hatched out a chick so she should be back to normal soon and hopefully the other hen will resume all laying activity.
Finally got a gleam of sunshine so stuck them on the bench outside and tried again. Hopefully these will have come out better:

Nope, they still look gray-ish. Oh well, that's the bet my camera can do. You'll see them when you get them, anyway.
Finally got a gleam of sunshine so stuck them on the bench outside and tried again. Hopefully these will have come out better: Nope, they still look gray-ish. Oh well, that's the bet my camera can do. You'll see them when you get them, anyway.
I can't get a photo of my egg color to save my life. I understand that frustration too.
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