Hatching Eggs / Paypal CHAT Thread

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Wow you all I don't know what to say except "lynch mob" mentality ring bells? Yes I have fallen behind on my now 300+++++++ PM's , I'm so upset right now I don't even know what to say. I have never cheated anyone out of eggs or chicks nor do I plan to. I'm sorry I have been sick and just last week my little dog, my companion of the last 11 years has been sick, she has so much fluid on her lungs they can't hear her heartbeat. I have been spending lots of time holding her instead of being online. Lots of you have children, I don't I am and have been too sick my whole life to have kids so I have my animals.

Please be patient you will get your chicks and eggs, I have no other plans for them.
That is such a generous offer, certainly no one is responsible for fulfilling anyone else's swaps. I think accepting any swap is just a leap of faith. When you are dealing on the internet, you never know for sure about the person you are trading with, even a company. My opinion was always, don't do a trade that will break you.

It's much like lending money to a friend or family member. Assume it's a gift and if they repay you, that's a bonus. That way you can't be disappointed and ruin a relationship, you can only be pleasantly surprised when they follow through.

And I have hatched quite a few swap eggs, I now have some lovely chicks growing out in my flock..................BBS marans, BBS ameraucana, lilac ameraucana............I forget what else at the moment. It always gives me pleasure to hear about my "grandchicks" hatching out and living in various parts of the country.

I will admit I am greedily anticipating eggs for crele orps, chocolate orps, Stukel BR..................and chicks from the lav. orps that are already in the incubator.

you really want some of my stinky ole orps??? The swaps are starting to go out for them. Are those my grand BBS and lav ams growing out by nay chance??
we bought and followed the whizbang plans. Loveit, and its big enough to handle turkey and goose both. the whizbang guy claims it doesnt work as well on duck, but those we did were clean when done. We have a good scalder too and didnt expect 3 seconds for the plucking to be done on a duck. Just a couple hand pluck bits off the wing.

I am going to have to come down so I can learn all this, and when you process rabbits too, i guess.
check out the meat thread here on BYC, lots of good helpful folks up there. Ours get hung upside down, bled out, dropped in the scalder, then the plucker and into the ice bath, then they get cleaned out, legs off, washed in cold water and placed on trays and into the friedge we use for resting the birds. We use shrink bags that you dip in boiling water to seal them for freezing.
WOW... shrink bags.... I guess I knew about them.. duh... but, I really hadn't thought that I could buy such a thing and that it would be that easy... learn something new every day! Thanks!

where do you get your bags from?
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Wow you all I don't know what to say except "lynch mob" mentality ring bells? Yes I have fallen behind on my now 300+++++++ PM's , I'm so upset right now I don't even know what to say. I have never cheated anyone out of eggs or chicks nor do I plan to. I'm sorry I have been sick and just last week my little dog, my companion of the last 11 years has been sick, she has so much fluid on her lungs they can't hear her heartbeat. I have been spending lots of time holding her instead of being online. Lots of you have children, I don't I am and have been too sick my whole life to have kids so I have my animals.

Please be patient you will get your chicks and eggs, I have no other plans for them.

I understand completely, things happen. As I said feel free to shove mine till fall if it helps with the whole thing, I will be OK. I am sorry to hear about your dog and wish you the best. I figure when mine get here it will be ok. So again don't stress over mine, if I can help let me know.
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