Hatching Eggs / Paypal CHAT Thread

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Just got back from delivering chickens -- two hours north! Ugh. Yes, they paid for delivery but I don't think I'll be doing that again soon, lol!

Okay, totally lost track of the quote buttons and who was saying what, so general responses/reactions:

Yep. Life's too short for mean roosters. And they taste just as good as the sweet ones! I don't butcher my own, though -- I'm in Amish country :)

Pysankigirl, next time I need a diplomat, you're elected

Walli's (KYTinpusher) SFHs are delightful! I'm so happy to have them :) I also have one adorable SFH hatched from TNBearChick -- don't know if it's a he or a she yet, but at first I thought it was a tolbunt! I SO have got to get caught up on pictures.

Speaking of pictures, SERIOUS chick cuteness in my bathtub at the moment! I'm really hoping for more to hatch overnight -- I've only had about a third of the eggs hatch so far. I'd be panicking more if it weren't clearly going by breed, which settles one thing I'd always wondered about -- yes, some breeds definitely do hatch faster than others
Still worried about the unintentional cool-down last night -- I think I definitely lost some chicks because of it. All I can do is wait and see. And get pictures tomorrow as soon as I get a chance!

I suspect I'm forgetting a few things but oh well. Have a good night, everybody!
Oh, right! If I recall correctly (and we've got a lot of experienced SFH breeders on this thread so they're correct me if I don't) you only need one parent to be crested, in fact I gather only WANT one parent to be crested, which should give you 50% crested, 50% noncrested offspring :) So even if all your birds are non-crested, all you need is one crested roo to change that in the next generation :)
minihorse - I think you are going to be looking for more NON-crested chicks!
Of course, I could be wrong, but it looks to me like #3 & #5 are non-crested and the rest are crested. The angle on the pics may be throwing me off, but from my experience, the chicks that will have crests seem to have down that sticks out behind the head making it appear elongated, whereas on the non-crested chicks the down is laying down and the back of the head is more rounded.

Look at the one week picture here. Inga (turned out to be Ingus) is crested. You can see the crest just starting to show in the 3 week pic.

Hanna (turned out to be Hannes) was not crested

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If it helps to know where they came from, I got the eggs from BHEP.

ETA:They hatched 5/4 and 5/5
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If it helps to know where they came from, I got the eggs from BHEP.

ETA:They hatched 5/4 and 5/5

I have both crested and non-crested. Roosters and hens. Some have huge crests some smaller. Only a few have hatched with the vaulted skull. Most just poof up as they get older.

I know.. I KNOW, I need to get and post better pictures. That is always last on my list of things to do.
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