Hatching Eggs / Paypal CHAT Thread

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Heck $100 bills still amaze me.  I don't see them often.

Well me either, but the kid even less often.

Oh and if you get those Pavs I'm gonna be stalking you! Feathered feet, beautiful coloring, and moppsy heads. Those are my kind of birds. I saw them, thought about bidding. I would want them for me!

I was just going to say that :)

Whaoo!  Send you egg customers here, I've got 4 18 packs and 2 dz in the fridge.  No call from the ad all weekend... D'oh.

Duck #2 is pipped!  Ducky Wucky shall have a wet and messy friend yet.  Gahh, I know everyone said duckling are messy, but whoo you aren't kidding.   The poor chicks keeping him company must be annoyed, I change the bedding twice a day to keep it kinda dry.

Ducks are called yucks here. I have them out in the duck goose house at night and penned during the day. Messy messy messy!

I don't think Peitor would be willing to drive from Chicago all the way out to you. Besides he's why I never have eggs over a week old. He picks up anything we have leftover on Sundays. He's a sweet old polish gentleman and his wife,Helena, can bake just like my grandma did at the bakery. Hey always bring treats fr the kid. Any extra duck or goose eggs go to them also.
Well me either, but the kid even less often.

Oh and if you get those Pavs I'm gonna be stalking you! Feathered feet, beautiful coloring, and moppsy heads. Those are my kind of birds. I saw them, thought about bidding. I would want them for me!
Ducks are called yucks here. I have them out in the duck goose house at night and penned during the day. Messy messy messy!
I already have some chicks growing.
Good morning afternoon everyone!!!

Those Campines people have are gorgeous!

now I want one! but just one...a hen of course...but only if they are nice in addition to being pretty.

I think I have to admit that I am a collector. and now that I am never going to be a breeder, what is the harm in that!?!?! I want 1-2 of everything! as long as they aren't mean to us or each other. I like harmony. What is the campine temperment like?

I just got finished cleaning the coops for the week and am thinking about putting the babies outside for the rest of the afternoon to get some nature time/grazing in. wish I knew if it was going to rain again....it has been drizzling all day but seems to have stopped.

okay, next chore: vaccuming. then maybe I will let myself do something fun! My wrist/hand has been screwed up for a month...tendonitis I think. radiating pain up my arm and down into my fingers...cant even grip a pencil most days.

but it is feeling well enough to maybe do some sewing and I need new pants and skirts for work. and I am really getting sick of not doing anything creative. I am too tall and curvy to buy things that fit me so I have to make them if I want no gappage in the back or at the ankles. Maybe my wrist can handle that. we will see!!!!!
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