Hatching Eggs / Paypal CHAT Thread

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We test for MG in our turkeys, but I'm only certified for pullorium for the chickens.

With the turkeys you draw blood, let it settle for 30 minutes, draw off the serum, and send that in for lab testing. I don't know why it's only required for turkeys though. Maybe because they usually hang around longer. Either that or MAYBE they love turkeys more.

Actually, it's because turkeys are -- not more susceptible to it, that's the wrong way to put it. It tends to be a more dangerous and more often life-threatening disease in turkeys. It affects them worse -- there, that's what I was trying to say!
What she said
I should try reading the thread all the way up to date before I start replying, but then I can never manage to go back and find the post I was replying to!
LOL...that's when I start using the "multi" button. I love that thing. I "multi" button all the posts I want to respond to and then at the end I can respond to each in one long post and if someone else has a better response and mine would be superfluous, I just delete that quote.
Quote: how old are they clucki? my bantam cochin eggs weren't fertile for a couple months after they started laying. The roo was young and inexperienced and I wasn't into trimming butts at that point, so I just let them alone....three weeks ago I decided to test a couple eggs, and now I have the cutest little blue bantam cochin in the inkie waiting on a sibling to show up tomorrow. I guess Nizzle finally learned how!
Oh and much warmer climate for me too! Wonder what hubby would say if I up ended us.

Wonder how we could move all the birds?

Crystal if I were your neighbor you could get a good belly laugh in a day! Either that or Krazy would loose her name.
ha! I don't think so! I have that name copyrighted dang it!

They're tricksy huh? Is that why Krazy makes cookies out of them?
I have another lionhead buck, now I just have to have a successful birth of kits!

But ty!

And flocks, glad you are sending more Midgets to Florida, we need a bunch here!
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